Friday, August 31, 2012

Talkin' 'bout Book Art

Amazing Book Art courtesy of Fer1972 on Tumblr

I love me some book art. Look, I love books, wannabe writer and all, lover of stories, make-believe and all things so truthfully telling of the wondrous world in which we live.

This deep love in mind, once upon a time, I would have never dreamed of physically  destroying a book so. To this day, I can’t even dog-ear a book (although a friend did make a compelling case for dog-ears acting as miniature tales in themselves about a book’s previous owner… wait, which of us is the writer?).

But now, what I once saw as destruction, I now see as reconstruction and recreation of something new and most certainly beautiful in its own right. My sister’s artwork only enforced this as I watched her turn a stack of old encyclopaedias into some insanely interesting and eye-catching sculptures.

And now, I love books even more for showing me just how limited was my view of their real potential.

Isn’t it awesome when that happens?