Friday, January 20, 2012

John Cheese on Science and Religion

John Cheese on Science and Religion

Read it. Right now. CLICK.

This is exactly what I think and I am tired of the idiotic assumptions made by either end of the belief spectrum. The sheer willingness to disdainfully dismiss someone’s opinion simply because it doesn’t happen to coincide with your own is only proof of a complete lack of intellect. Outside of those who have just blindly decided to adopt one mindset over another, most everyone has REASON for why they believe what they do.

Basic courtesy would at least require having the respect to ask WHY before mindlessly passing judgement.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Preparing to bid my twenties a fond farewell...

'Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed' - Charles Schulz

Dear 30,

As 29 and I currently acquaint ourselves (and smashingly so, by the way), your pending arrival remains both momentous and barely believable, thus warranting the need for me to say hey.

I’ve largely travelled through my twenties without so much as a thought of my inevitable departure but as the time draws nearer, I remain happily untouched by the tentative concern with which many I know approach you.

While they see thinning time, I see growing horizons in possibility.

While they see what they have not yet done, I am mindful of what I have done and I feel excitement about everything I’ve 
yet to see, learn and achieve.

While they see themselves age, I see what age has done for me and how much more it has to give.

While they feel old, I feel young.

Truth? I can’t wait to meet you.

But, for now, 29 and I are going to party.

Don’t wait up. I’ll see you in December.

Cheers sister,
