Hooked on phonics is one way you could describe me, clearly, and what's a new year without a new list of great reads to come? Already, I have embarked on a novel (punny, huh?) approach to my own personal reading - 3 books at once:
Above is the one into which I have most delved thus far and I am loving it. Clearly, I have an affinity for American authors and Faulkner's stream of southern consciousness style has primed me for getting completely engrossed in Steinbeck's tale of landowners evicted from their homes and their resulting struggle to establish a whole new life. So far, I am indeed in love.
I'm a chapter in, having always wanted to read it and having never summoned the guts till now. So far, I am absolutely fascinated, however my one lamentation is that my powers of retention are so, so poor. I rejoice at being able to fathom the concepts he is describing and I weep at the fact that the minute I put the book down, they pour out into the (disproved) ether. Rehearsal and retention - my two weakest muscles. I hope I can make this book the beginning of a good workout for them this year.
As yet, unstarted, however I am very, very excited. Another book I've been wanting to read for a very long time, although just never got around to it. All who know me know I believe in the existence of an entity of real evil and though I'm fully aware these letters are entirely fictional, I look forward to the study of the nature of good, evil and humanity that will undoubtedly flow from its pages.
This early literary burst to the year can be credited to the lovely lady at the secondhand book store in Epping and my very own brother. The Grapes of Wrath, I found at Epping, among a pile of other titles I'm massively looking forward to (including Middlesex! Finally! Eugenides, I adore you).
The triple book score however can be attributed to my brother's fantastic little library (by which I mean big bag o' books) from which I obtained A Brief History Of Time and The Screwtape Letters. I recently Instagrammed a photo of my little haul from his books which included the latter two and a few more studies and histories of philosophy, logic as well as the SAS Survival Guide. LOVE having siblings who read a variety of books outside of my own.
Ah yes! I very nearly forgot the Sandman graphic novels on loan to me from my workmate, Elena!
So here's to the new worlds, insights and characters that await me in 2015 - hook me up, phonics, let's do this :)