No wait... it's on American time so the date is mixed up. Me and my Aussie ways. Ah well, never mind. Would have been an amusing coincidence.
I'm actually currently lost as to what got me looking up this place again after all this time... while I'm at work, no less. Although, there is a thankful lull after an interestingly hectic day thus far. Looming deadlines and a poorly distributed comm have had me either sending email after email or talking on the phone most of the day so this momentary quiet (however long it ends up lasting) is more than welcome.
I must say, it feels kind of nice to be on here again. Almost like a trip into a different time and a vastly different life. And I think I said something to that effect in my last entry.
What's changed? A lot, but the main things would probably be that two years ago today...
* I was still a financially uncertain casual employee and admittedly, permanency hasn't necessarily rendered my uncertainty non-existent, but a kinder degree of security is a good thing for sure.
* I was still a (not particularly apt) Freelance Journalism student whereas now, I'm technically a far more proficient Ethics and Legal Studies student. Furthermore, I never even saw postgrad studies as an option to begin with. It was nice to be proven wrong.
* I imagined my first book (if it ever came to being) would be fiction. The book I am now more solidly working on is decidedly non-fiction.
* I could never picture myself going on a plane, let alone overseas whereas now I'm set to head up to NYC for an amazing month and a half in October/November of this year.
...among other things...
I kind of love time. Impatient as I may be, being the perpetual student/fascinated little kid that I am, I love the fact that you never stop learning as it unfolds. Whether about yourself or about the world around you, there's always something to capture your interest or attention.
Although that said, there are definitely enough aspects of my life that have remained kindly constant and mostly happily so. I like that very much. Good family, good friends, good times overall.
But for now, back to work and a lovely long weekend following. It's been a nice trip indeed... for whatever is it's purpose, I'm glad this place is here :)
Current mood: Dorky
Current music: My Miracle - Ryan Conferido