... 2008, if you don't mind me asking, where the hell did you disappear to so quickly?
Then again, I'm not really the best one to talk about disappearance...
Life is no longer so much bizarre (as I would have so vehemently called it at one stage) as it is perpetually momentous in terms of unpredictable yet simultaneously constant change. The interesting thing here is the linkage between my life's past and present that this place represents.
Oh dear, listen to me. Pardon being begged as it is nearly 5am and I'm just thanking goodness for the public holiday tomorrow.
Returning to coherence? An update lest one is needed:
- have recently finally gotten my first permanent job in over 3 years meaning a good ol' hurrah for job security and the freedom to finally concentrate for real
- after 10 years of constantly crippling fear, I finally sent in my first real fiction submission (an achievement somewhat facilitated by security provided by abovementioned job)... only to be met with rejection which was, however, overwhelmed by my joy at holding the evidence in my hand of my having finally gotten over myself and tried (when my sister heard my reaction to the letter I received from ACP Publishing, she thought I'd been published :P)
- to counter that step-and-stumble, have finally received my first byline and am thus finally (although only at the beginnings of being) a published writer. Admittedly, the piece was published in an internal government publication meaning that my only readership would be members of the police force. However the editor liked what I'd written so much that what was originally a letter to the editor was transformed into a story and only 2 words were edited out which makes me :D
Yep, it's taken me 10 years to finally take these first few steps. Granted, there were a few things contributing to my lack of concentration - finishing my degree, attempting to balance full time work with my diploma, fear for lack of financial stability and security due to ongoing casual work and my overall battle with accepting what I want to do with my life alongside life's general goings on - but hey, a start's a start and for the first time in my life, I feel genuinely validated in my choice of career AS WELL AS unafraid of my financial future (or as much so as I can be in the economy's current state).
Regardless of whatever pitfalls approach, things can only get better. :D