Patrick Park's Life is a Song is playing in my head.
I made these mid-last year and wanted to see how I'd done with them :)
'DVD hunt currently consists of:
Running On Empty (the River Phoenix one)
Little Nikita
Macross (Do You Remember Love)
Robotech (all eps)
Friends: The One With All Ten Seasons (I already know where this one is, and hopefully will get it soon :D) - got stuffed on this one. Waited too long, however, Ri is helping me out so all is not lost!
Veronica Mars
SeaQuest DSV (season 1, anyway. Yay!)
Charles In Charge'
'To add to the potential spending spree, I'm dying to read:
March (only because I'm crazily interested in the idea that a fanfic won a Pulitzer)
The Outsiders
A Light In August - hard core read, this one. To me, anyway. I preferred As I Lay Dying.
On The Road...'
To which I now would like to add: My Sister's Keeper (Picoult), Lunar Park (Easton Ellis), and more Daphne Du Maurier. I have recently become obsessed after re-reading Rebecca and then following that up with Flight of the Falcon andMy Cousin Rachel. I could not put any of them down for long at all. What amazing books.
I've currently suspended myself from reading the rest of Windfall by Penny Vincenzi (I got the book for 30c at a fete last September, along with 12 others [almost all of which I've finished, hurrah! so can hopefully get started on the batch I got at the recent sale in Olympic Park], so I thought I'd give her a try. Bit of a tough act, following Du Maurier, but it is interesting. I'm suspending it in favour of The Artist's Way at the moment, because that will have to go back to Ri soon, along with Breakfast at Tiffany's (which I loved! Oh yeah, I want to add In Cold Blood to the above list).
I've gone a bit book nuts lately, allowing the tide of DVD fever to subside a little (after getting the Anne Series, The Office S1 and the SQ DVDs, anything else I buy at the moment would just feel like extra :) I still have to wait for the OC S4 DVDs to come out here). Thanks to that fete (13 books for $4!) and then the sale at Olympic Park just after Christmas (10 books for $30, but considering $30 is something like 1 1/2 books...) and my recent discoveries of King books in bargain bins (Pet Semetary, Dolores Claiborne and Misery for $15!!)... I've not been short on reading material - though time to read, that's been another story! I've yet to finish the first batch (although Rebecca and Breakfast at Tiffany'swere some happy intrusions there) and it seems it will be a while before I get to those King books, but ah well! It ain't bad having them to look forward to.
In the outer realms, am going to the Westlife concert tomorrow night that was originally planned for September, last year. Ri keeps paying me out for it and I don't blame her. Last year, Jimmy Eat World were here... and I was going to go to Westlife. This time around, both Evanescence and BoyzIIMen have been out here... and I'm going to Westlife :P I'm going more for the other people going if that makes sense and because I finally said to myself, what the hell, you've never been to a concert before so why not? Little did I know I could have made my first concert a band I really love. 'Tis cool. Westlife are not bad so the show oughta be cool and Anthony Callea is opening and I do want to hear that voice live!
Then Wednesday, maybe go-karting with Mench and the others, if not then dinner after. Whoa, just realised how many birthdays are coming up. Eepers. Maybe I'll skip go-karting.
...but whoa, I got to watch the Series Finale for The OC and damn it all, I actually cried. I really didn't expect that (but again, will blame current leaning towards emotional excess due to a definitely turbulent afternoon/evening), but it was just really, really well done. I gave up on the show after S2, then was one of the apparent few who heard that Marissa was no longer in the picture so thought, yes! Will check it out again and got re-hooked with S4. It's kinda gone up and down, but I loved how it ended.
Another show down (but no way did I expect myself to be as sad about this show as I was about Friends... then again, when DC ended I got sad... crap, I'm an ever bigger sap than I realised). Frankly, I don't watch much TV anymore - Buffy, Friends and DC ended... I lost interest in GG and Charmed... and out of the more recent shows, none of the ones I want to keep up with are shown here in Australia. Veronica Mars (it is on here, but very, very behind) and The Office are pretty much it at the moment. With OC off, I'm back to online watching (though, for the most part, I was doing that with OC too being too impatient to wait a whole 3 days).
Today, went on a bit of a baking spree... well, sort of. More accurately, our bananas were severely overripe so I had to use them and I thought, heck, might as well whip up some shortbread as well (no banana in it, just coz). I was going to make my macaroni salad but in this heat, the baking was enough. When Ange came over because she was sweet enough to snag me some pineapple for the salad when she went to the shops and she left the house with an armful of cake and cookies.
Meanwhile, the turbulence seems to have taken a rest for now and hopefully does so for a little while. But there are some rather daunting challenges approaching in the week ahead, mostly to do with family and work. Will see how things go!
Hehehe, it feels funny to be coming back to this place for random rants like this :P
I like having days off. :D
Well, I've not updated this thing in, let me count it... almost five months! Terrible! That said then, may as well make this post worth it (even though the likelihood is this will show up on Friends pages and people will think... huh? Who is this? No blame for sure! I will cite the usual excuse and move on! Yes, life could always get crazier but admittedly what we have tends to be a bit on the nutso side! I only hope that it's being kind to everyone!
Meanwhile, as to the rest of it, on the more mundane bits and pieces, things are just plodding along really - work, writing, etc... I will say 2007 has already proven an odd and interesting year so I am honestly wondering what else is to come. Considering the curve balls that have made their way into the mix, I honestly have no idea anymore... just waiting and seeing!
A resolve I have been working on lately, is more pics! I am not a camera person so I've rarely any pics of friends and family, which I really do want to change so I've been trying to gather more and trying to take more (will hopefully soon be investing in a camera!) and I feel like sharing so, here we go :D
This is my darling friend, Menchie - without a doubt, one of the sweetest people in the world who, though yes, tick-off-able, is never able to hold bad blood toward anyone for long. At all.
It's an old pic, but I love it and recently uncovered it. 3 of the best people you'll ever know - Katherine, Mel and Kim. I've known Kim for 13 years, Katherine for 12 and Mel for 10... wow... love them all.
Dearest Clarkey on her big day :D She's a record holder (unless I can get a pic of Nicole on here...) I've known her since we were 5, so we're going 20 years here! It's amazing to watch someone you've known since Kindergarten, get married :D
This is with our friend Tess, another school friend whom I've known forever (another not so unlucky 13 years) who, much like myself, disappears for eons at a time, but when she comes back up, it's like she was never gone :D
Going from school friends to my main uni crew :D Reyna, Mench, Jennifer and myself. Reyna is one of the best people to hang out with and Jennifer is likely one of the most understanding people I've ever met in my life. Sadly, we are however, missing Ri and Carlos.
The rest of the 'OC' (or Oporto Crew) at Menchie's bday last year. Cindy, moi, Aissy (Mench's sis), Dolly (from Darwin, hehe), Sam and Mae are all very, very cool chicas. Aissy, especially. Nothing is more fun than watching her and Mench battle it out over whatever in the car. :P
This was at Mench's surprise birthday do, a week before the one in the pics above. She had no idea what was happening (although admittedly, neither did a lot of us up till an hour or so earlier!). At this point, she was in the 'drunk-with-happiness' stage which is really infectious :D
At the Westin, where we stayed when Dolly came down from Darwin for a visit last year. We all experienced the same shock when we walked into the room and found there was a window into the bathroom! That is, till we found the blind. Still, we had to document so... :P
That night, we had dinner at Centrepoint (to crown a day of cruising through Sydney Harbour of which, unfortunately, I don't have pics. Mench and Dolly have them all!) and Ri came up too. All beautiful people through and through. I've covered Mench, Dolly is a real sweetheart and Ri is quite possibly, the best friend anyone could ever have. Love her to death. I couldn't do it myself, but the others got adventurous that night - I can only remember the kangaroo meat, though I'm sure there were some other weird dishes on that list!
An old and terribly scanned pic, but I wanted one of Ange's wedding up. She and Kyle recently celebrated their two year anniversary and now have two damned adorable little girls :D I also have to mention Mellicia, the girl with fabulously curly hair next to me (who doesn't seem to be looking at the right camera). Pure personality, that one, fantastic!
The labbies. Well, sort of. I'm an 'honorary labbie' and Arlin, to Mel's right is her old friend from Singapore. Pann Pann and Ryan on my right, along with Mel were all up in BioSciences. Mel and PP are still there, but sadly, Ryan took off to USyd to do Medicine :( But no fear, we still all come up with whatever excuses whenever we can to head out to dinner or to the city! Birthdays... Fridays...
And this was at Pontoon just before New Years. That bar really sucks, but good times abound despite it! We've got Apple on the end, there, Jen's friend... and lucky Carlos in the middle! Looking very out of it, mind you, as are the rest of us...there are some oddities about this pic, almost unnoticed to me except for Ri's caption. Poor Carlos... looks much worse than it is!
From this point, I really want to better maintain this place so hopefully will be able to do that! Missed more about it than I realised... though I admit, people have admittedly gotten me hooked on some other things *cough*myspace*cough*friendster*cough*... but at the same time, my net time has decreased significantly, in comparison to before. I used to be online all the time, browsing pages, forums, FF posting like a nutter, etc... oh well, I still do that, but not nearly as much. Although, I'm guessing that's a good thing!
Meanwhile, here's to hoping this isn't the last entry for too long! Hopefully the next update doesn't come around later than mid-year or else that end of year round up is going to look so very sad.
Cheers! :D