'the wheels are in motion, and I-I-I-I, am willin' to sail any ocean...' yep... my 80s hitch is still going. That one's from Xanadu and it's a really sweet song.
I've done my load for the day and I'm just relaxing in the library again. I've got an assignment I want to submit tonight for Journo so that I'm on my way with it all again and I want to re-focus and do some brainstorming for some article ideas and some stories I want to write (or at least, try). It feels really good to have things rolling again... I've been stumbling around for a ridiculously long time now and it's about time things began to move forward again :)
Last week was pretty cruisy... I only went in for one day so I've got some stuff to catch up on this week, which is good. Gives me something to do. Was tired as all hell that day though because we all left the house at around 5.30am in order to drop my dad and bro off at the airport. That meant I got into work around 2 hrs early, and no offices were open yet! I had to wait a bit before I could get started but in the end, I decided to clock out early. I was meeting up with Menchie anyway. She had another interview in the city and it's become the norm for her to drop in on me at work when she's done.
Thursday night, a bunch of us went out to dinner at Parra and had a blast! My friend, Jennifer, brought her friend, Shay and the two of them combined is hilarious! I haven't laughed that hard in ages! Unfortunately, Reyna had to leave around 8.30 so she wasn't able to come with the rest of us to this Karaoke place not far from Westfield. I'd never been to one before, just used friends' sets at their houses, and then later, my family's one. That was a gag and a half. Thankfully the sound system was very kind because I usually don't like the sound of my voice, esp my singing voice, on a mic, but it didn't sound as off there which I'm sure, was a relief to the others!
Then on Friday, I met up with my friend Melissa (whom I fondly refer to as Mel C), whom I have not seen in ages! She will be heading off to WYD soon so it was good to get to see her before she left. We did do some window shopping (seeing as we were at Westfield) but for the most part, we gabbed, which was loverly in itself. We ended up having lunch with her friend Ashish (I'm totally guessing on the spelling there) who works at Myer. Funny guy. When she left, I went about and looked at books. I ended up buying Carrie and Danse Macabre, both by Stephen King (after much price checking!). HURRAH!!!!!!! However, it was only later that I realised that I could have used my Dymocks card. Unbelievable. When I left Pitcher, they gave me an awesome lot of farewell gifts. I got a Lucky Bamboo (yep, the customary plant/flowers - They refrained from giving me flowers because they knew I would kill anyone who dared). I also got a copy of The Firm (I'd recently read RD condensed versions of The Rainmaker and The Pelican Brief and I wanted to get more Grisham), the piano sheet music to the Forrest Gump Suite (beautiful!), and finally a $90 gift card for Dymocks. I was shocked out of my mind when I saw how much the card was for... and I missed out on getting to use it for the first time. No matter. Lots more books to buy! :D
It has taken me a month to finish AC's autobiography. Finished it up on the train in this morning and got started on The Moving Finger, which is pretty good so far. I still have a couple more to go through before I can get onto my new SK books, but that's just another thing to look forward to.
It's really quite odd, having only 3 people in the house. It's just me, Ma and Lourdes... Kristina's already back at Yarraton. It's nice and quiet, but at the same time, I can't stop myself from expecting to hear the jingle of the chimes on the front door as either my dad or my bro arrive home from work. I hope they're enjoying themselves up there :) Thursday night, while waiting for Menchie and her friends to close up Oporto before heading off home, I sent my bro a message saying,'Oy! You guys in Reno yet?' because he hadn't messaged as he said he would and as he did when they arrived in Auckland. He then called me up to tell me how things were, and also to tell me thanks for waking him up at 5.30 in the morning! Light sleeper, that one. I was very, very glad to hear from him though.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Bored at work...
Today has been one of those days I would classify as a good/bad day. Not done a lot, mainly because I covered my quota last week and left myself with almost nothing to do this week. But at the same time, everything else has worked out well. I spent a large portion of the morning reading the news and doing some general reading and research and as the girls have been home lately (school/uni holidays and all), it's been hard to do because I want to avoid fights about who gets to do what on the comp.
There's also my dad to contend with (and I say that in the most respectful way possible), seeing as he likes to have Filipino radio from Inq7 (?) blasting all night long. What with all that's happening with GMA over there, this has been going on every single night for the last week and a half. I don't mean to sound like I don't care what is happening, but I have to admit, it's hard to get used to the announcer's voice... it's not the easiest on the ears, not to mention all the cheesy ads.
However, soon he and my brother will be on their way to Arizona for my cousin, Don's wedding and then up to Toronto to visit one of my Ninongs and his family. I was seriously contemplating coming with them, but then realised that it would stuff me financially and it would be too much to ask that they pay for me. Plus (and correct me if you can see I'm wrong Jan) at this time of the year, I wonder if the heat would kill me. Especially in Arizona. I'd prefer to go in the winter. I've been looking up places in the country (mostly the Blue Mountains area) to visit but again, it's a little beyond my means at the moment, so I'm just saving up and biding my time. I was never a travelbug anyway, not like the rest of the family, so if I never leave Sydney or Australia, I really don't mind.
Oh, and random info from one of the books I'm reading (Agatha Christie's autobiograpy), was that she used to be work at a hospital dispensary during the Great War, so she was essentially a pharmacist. No wonder she can write so well about the use of poisons and chemicals in her stories :D Meanwhile, the woman got more proposals than I could have ever imagined, although from the way in which she writes, it was the norm and thus, not all that extraordinary. I'm not finished yet, but it's a fab read.
Hurrah for senseless babble!
There's also my dad to contend with (and I say that in the most respectful way possible), seeing as he likes to have Filipino radio from Inq7 (?) blasting all night long. What with all that's happening with GMA over there, this has been going on every single night for the last week and a half. I don't mean to sound like I don't care what is happening, but I have to admit, it's hard to get used to the announcer's voice... it's not the easiest on the ears, not to mention all the cheesy ads.
However, soon he and my brother will be on their way to Arizona for my cousin, Don's wedding and then up to Toronto to visit one of my Ninongs and his family. I was seriously contemplating coming with them, but then realised that it would stuff me financially and it would be too much to ask that they pay for me. Plus (and correct me if you can see I'm wrong Jan) at this time of the year, I wonder if the heat would kill me. Especially in Arizona. I'd prefer to go in the winter. I've been looking up places in the country (mostly the Blue Mountains area) to visit but again, it's a little beyond my means at the moment, so I'm just saving up and biding my time. I was never a travelbug anyway, not like the rest of the family, so if I never leave Sydney or Australia, I really don't mind.
Oh, and random info from one of the books I'm reading (Agatha Christie's autobiograpy), was that she used to be work at a hospital dispensary during the Great War, so she was essentially a pharmacist. No wonder she can write so well about the use of poisons and chemicals in her stories :D Meanwhile, the woman got more proposals than I could have ever imagined, although from the way in which she writes, it was the norm and thus, not all that extraordinary. I'm not finished yet, but it's a fab read.
Hurrah for senseless babble!
Friday, July 08, 2005
I've had one friend confirm he's ok (and am grateful grateful grateful)... just waiting for word from another.
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London and those with family and friends there.
From everything I've seen and read thus far, can't help but admire the spirit of the people up there. They're so... together, in all senses of the word.
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London and those with family and friends there.
From everything I've seen and read thus far, can't help but admire the spirit of the people up there. They're so... together, in all senses of the word.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
'Standing taaaaaaaall, on the wings of my dreams!'
It's a little strange trying to get back onto this thing, especially since my tendency, as of late, has been to completely avoid going online altogether for anything other than reading the news, doing research (which often means, reading the news) and keeping up with friends (which is still something I have only remained semi-successful in doing). Then again, considering the copious amount of time I can spend reading stuff online, well... really.
Because I like to ramble, I thought I'd nip that in the bud right now. Mini update? Ok:
- After enjoying unemployment for a few weeks, I got a job back at my uni, UNSW, working in admin there and started at the end of May. The hours and rates are great and the work itself is not difficult at all although somewhat tedious at times. The tedium however, tends to be broken by the good number of people I get to talk to over the course of the day because essentially, I raid a lot of peoples' desks and the various staff members back at uni are a pretty friendly and humorous lot. I also get to see my friends who are still stuck at uni (well sort of, considering it's now holidays) and I've not really had the chance to do that in a really long time.
- Outside of work, I'm pretty busy so the remaining days of the week are something for which I am freaking grateful. I'm slogging through my Journalism course and trying to read and write as much of everything as possible (as I have so been instructed by many). I'm considering maybe later coming back and doing an arts degree and studying history, english literature and politics but for now, I'll make do with what I can read on my own. I know I don't need a degree to study all this stuff, but it might be nice to go back to do some structured study in those areas. For now though, I'm just trying to keep up my own reading on them and that's cool too. I've still got my counselling diploma to get through as well so going back to uni is still a really distant possibility.
- (small woohoo here!) I'm also really glad to be able to do all of this from the comfort of my own room, which was a recent acquisition after years of nagging to get the hell away from sharing with my two sisters ;) Nah, we added an upper floor to the house. My room has the best view... my window overlooks the park behind our house where kids have soccer games almost every night and you can see the people playing tennis down at the courts... and in the distance (toward the west), you can see the mountains. Of course, they're really tiny from where we are, but it's still really pretty.
That was all still somewhat rambly so yeah, sorry. Old habits die hard and all that hat.
Meanwhile, in rebuilding my old links since the multiple breakdowns of my computers, I've been catching up on places I used to visit all the time (incl. blogs, forums, etc) and while I've been doing that, I've also been adding a million and onenew links to the favourites list. Today I went a bit nuts when I found this site that has sound files of all these old 80s TV themes (the subject line is from the chorus for Perfect Strangers)! Hello childhood! I love that site and I love the person who put it all together coz that was the biggest trip back into my kiddy past... ::sigh:: I know, I'm a total dork and clearly a HUGE tv geek to be singing along to songs from TV that was on back when I was 4 or 5 years old. And I wonder why I've maintained an American accent down here... I still blame Sesame Street for that :D
Aside from that, I've finally had another look at Wil Wheaton's site, to which I was addicted a couple years back and am now officialy re-hooked. I love the way Wil writes and I just got this vid of him reading from one of his books at Gnomedex, 2004, and he's funny as and a lot of fun to watch. I'm still trying to get a hold of his books (and Sean Astin's as well). It's kinda weird to think about the whole Mary Sue thing with regards to him and Wesley back on TNG, but I admire the hell out of him now.
That all said, here I go a-plugging again :D

And now I'm off coz State of Origin 3 is about to start and it's 1-1 at the moment so tonight's game is anyone's game (not that a NSW whitewash wouldn't have been awesome, but we get what we get).
Go the BLUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because I like to ramble, I thought I'd nip that in the bud right now. Mini update? Ok:
- After enjoying unemployment for a few weeks, I got a job back at my uni, UNSW, working in admin there and started at the end of May. The hours and rates are great and the work itself is not difficult at all although somewhat tedious at times. The tedium however, tends to be broken by the good number of people I get to talk to over the course of the day because essentially, I raid a lot of peoples' desks and the various staff members back at uni are a pretty friendly and humorous lot. I also get to see my friends who are still stuck at uni (well sort of, considering it's now holidays) and I've not really had the chance to do that in a really long time.
- Outside of work, I'm pretty busy so the remaining days of the week are something for which I am freaking grateful. I'm slogging through my Journalism course and trying to read and write as much of everything as possible (as I have so been instructed by many). I'm considering maybe later coming back and doing an arts degree and studying history, english literature and politics but for now, I'll make do with what I can read on my own. I know I don't need a degree to study all this stuff, but it might be nice to go back to do some structured study in those areas. For now though, I'm just trying to keep up my own reading on them and that's cool too. I've still got my counselling diploma to get through as well so going back to uni is still a really distant possibility.
- (small woohoo here!) I'm also really glad to be able to do all of this from the comfort of my own room, which was a recent acquisition after years of nagging to get the hell away from sharing with my two sisters ;) Nah, we added an upper floor to the house. My room has the best view... my window overlooks the park behind our house where kids have soccer games almost every night and you can see the people playing tennis down at the courts... and in the distance (toward the west), you can see the mountains. Of course, they're really tiny from where we are, but it's still really pretty.
That was all still somewhat rambly so yeah, sorry. Old habits die hard and all that hat.
Meanwhile, in rebuilding my old links since the multiple breakdowns of my computers, I've been catching up on places I used to visit all the time (incl. blogs, forums, etc) and while I've been doing that, I've also been adding a million and onenew links to the favourites list. Today I went a bit nuts when I found this site that has sound files of all these old 80s TV themes (the subject line is from the chorus for Perfect Strangers)! Hello childhood! I love that site and I love the person who put it all together coz that was the biggest trip back into my kiddy past... ::sigh:: I know, I'm a total dork and clearly a HUGE tv geek to be singing along to songs from TV that was on back when I was 4 or 5 years old. And I wonder why I've maintained an American accent down here... I still blame Sesame Street for that :D
Aside from that, I've finally had another look at Wil Wheaton's site, to which I was addicted a couple years back and am now officialy re-hooked. I love the way Wil writes and I just got this vid of him reading from one of his books at Gnomedex, 2004, and he's funny as and a lot of fun to watch. I'm still trying to get a hold of his books (and Sean Astin's as well). It's kinda weird to think about the whole Mary Sue thing with regards to him and Wesley back on TNG, but I admire the hell out of him now.
That all said, here I go a-plugging again :D
And now I'm off coz State of Origin 3 is about to start and it's 1-1 at the moment so tonight's game is anyone's game (not that a NSW whitewash wouldn't have been awesome, but we get what we get).
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