It's 7.57am, Monday morning and I'm NOT on the train, getting to Strathfield and complaining about how annoying it is that Richmond trains aren't a priority to CityRail.
All that adds up to a good morning :)
Of course, that then bodes the question of why exactly I'm already on this thing at that time of the morning and not sleeping in like I normally am when I don't need to go to work. Ah well, simple answer. Caught up on sleep most of the weekend and ended up waking up at around 4am, unable to get back to sleep so hopped online for a bit.
Oh, thank you Queen Elizabeth by the way.
I'll say that this week is looking quite nice... Monday and Wednesday off. Work BBQ on Tuesday (for which I have to set up, but *shrug*).
Despite the fact that I'm now permanent, I still don't know if I see myself being there for very long. It's a little scary to think that it wasn't that long ago that I was so damn happy I didn't get this job... only to find myself in it now. I think that the battle between the Realist and the Idealist in me has never raged on so hard as it has been for the last couple months. Then again, that could simply be seen as a mark of my lack of maturity. Up till now, major adjustments remained only so in name. I just took to things. Uni, for example. I never really thought it would be the case but once I began uni, it all seemed normal to me. Things just fell in and I liked that.
What's happened since I began working has been pretty sad. Sad in the pathetic sense. Realist VS Idealist - day in, day out.
Without completely dissecting it all though, here's the final result:
The job is, objectively speaking, not that bad. And it pays. Depending on my mood (which is unfortunately, grossly unreliable), I either enjoy or loathe what I do, although essentially I know it's not so bad. It's just very far from anything I've ever wanted to do and not at all a place I'd like to remain in for the rest of my life. Plus, it eats away at whatever time I have in order to further pursue everything else I want to do.
But there you go. Not everybody loves their job and even fewer people get to do what they really want to do, and especially not straight away. Plus, it can't really be denied that counselling and journalism are not the most stable of occupations. I should just be thankful I have a source of income which isn't provided by the government and which I know will last. Not to say that I'll stop everything else, but take this whole thing for the good. If anything, it does bring me closer to PAYING for my journo and counselling courses so, in that sense, it's actually facilitating my goals, right? Money, time and effort... all necessary.
In terms of the corporate atmosphere? It's going to take some time to get used to (even more after a rather shameful display last Thursday, with some of the partners and some of the clients), but it'll happen eventually. Yes, yes, I remain the eternal optimist... after much painstaking whinging :P
I'm more than a little determined to get back on track with everyone though. Been sadly out of touch since I started working. Today, am beginning to work on fixing that so I'm meeting up with Esha, whom I haven't seen since her 21st! We're probably going to gab the day away but hey, that sounds good to me. :)
Oh that aside, have been for a while, but even moreso now, a major Anthony Callea fan. His rendition of 'The Prayer' was just downright awesome.
Shameless plug time! I'm sure y'all know the drill... right-click and save target as... :P If anyone's interested,
Anthony Callea - The Prayer.mp3