Back in May, I applied for a freelance editing position and I was asked to send in a writing sample, which I promptly did. I never heard from them again so was left thinking, 'Ok... they didn't like it. That sucks. Oh well.' :P
I just got an email from them, asking me to schedule a testing (they're in the US so it would have to be an online test)!!!
That's all :)
PS. Apologies, to anyone concerned, for my (honest, yet tactless) slights against Latham and Kerry in my last post.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Monday, November 15, 2004
'PMS City, man...'
Mood swings here, there and all over the place. It ain't great, and it ain't pretty but damned if that's gonna stop me writing about whatever at the moment.
True, not the greatest way to sort of restart, or repost, in my LJ but it's a ready outlet at this point. Hey, hopefully I'll have calmed down by the end of the entry, trusting that writing maintains its tendency to get me from Point A (I'm-a-pissed-off/depressed-as/hormonal-a s-dope) to point B (oh-wow-life's-not-the-raving-bitch-that-I-t hought-it-was).
Beyond this paragraph, I'm not saying anything about work. Just. No. Point. Right now, I am completely and totally hormonal hence I could not hate it more. But that's now. Bah.
::Catch Up:: What's happened since I last posted here? Howard won. Bush won. I was pretty glad that Howard won (Latham was nothing more than a baby-kissing crowd pleaser who just did not seem to be able to make up his mind about anything). As to Bush? Out of two men who freak me out, he freaked me out less. Kerry seemed to resemble Latham a little too much for my liking. I could be wrong. I speak only of my personal impressions. I mean, is it too much to ask for someone to have the capacity to MAKE UP THEIR MIND AND STICK TO IT PLEASE????? Ok, maybe it is. I'm still gonna ask though. Trying to follow all the ups and downs just makes me wanna throw.
Ach. Whine, whinge, grumble. Gotta stop... or at least, tone it down.
::Home Front News:: One of my baby sisters (and by that, I mean, the 18 year old :P) had her graduation ceremony yesterday. I cannot believe it. She's 18!! She's out of school! She's going to uni!! How quickly did that all happen?? Four years ago, it was me. And hehe, nothing has changed. The ceremony, the dresses, the neverending speeches... nope, it's all the same. Except that my sis is taller than I was back then. :P
::Blood Boilers:: Along with a large portion of Australia at the moment, Idol's got me hooked. Anthony VS Casey. Honestly, I like them both. Despite his extremely pop-like style, I am an Anthony fan. His voice just plain kills. It's one of the best voices I've ever heard. Plus, despite the idea that people have deemed him arrogant, I've seen no real indication of that whatsoever. I especially did not see any of that supposed 'arrogance' when, for the first time ever, I watched him shake like a leaf during last night's show (ex-performance, thankfully) and, also for the first time ever, heard him slip on some notes.
There is something about him though, that drives me mad and that would be the fact that, if he were to be able to alter just a few things in his performance style, he would kill. End of story. I don't care that what he likes is more pop than anything else. Do not care, plus I like a lot of stuff that is considered pop (I like depth in my music, yes, but just because I also enjoy stuff that requires little or no real thought, this does not give anyone leave to label me as vacuous or shallow). But man! Those damn cheesy looks and little performance quirks that Johnny Young specialised in teaching back in the 80s... they really have to die. I mean, just die. I understand that years of training when you were a little kid are hard to unlearn, but get those out of there and he'd be one helluva performer. I'm completely with Dicko on the frustration. The best and the worst in the comp (almost) are both in him and if he could just forget all that the 'great' JY taught him. That would be bloody, freaking awesome. Oh yeah, and lose some of that melisma. Not all, but it needs cutting.
Combine his voice and dedication with Guy's emotional delivery. That would be amazing.
That said, I love Casey. Great voice, great control and, from what I can see, cool personality. She still has that little bit of 'I'm so grunge, get me?' going on, but she's getting over it and I really like that. She is better than that. And for someone who so many have crticised in terms of physical appearance, I must say, she has really gorgeous eyes. It gets even better when they actually come to life while she's singing. People are right (Anthony included) when they say she has an amazing ability to bring real emotion into her songs and more of that ability than anyone else in the comp. I know maturity and age are a subjective matter, but she's done pretty bloody well for herself for a 16 year old.
That she and Anthony are so obviously friends, and completely easy around one another, makes me even happier that they are the final two (kind of like Shannon and Guy, where Shannon = Casey, except I think Casey actually has talent). Had it been Courtney VS Anthony? I don't think it would have been as much fun to watch their antics. Last week's Inside Idol had me cracking up heaps!
**Speaking of cracking up, I did a great deal of that watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, last Friday. Funny and sweet as hell, that movie is. :D 'Twas a great end, to a completely shithouse week.**
Some of the stuff that people have said about both idol finalists... oh well. We are all entitled to our opinion (which I am overexercising at this point). I like them both and whosoever ends up winning, given that it is what they actually want, then I'll be happy. I only pity the fool that will have to record that hopeless song as their debut single. Wow. Craptacular as all hell.
Ok, I think that Point B has finally been reached, even if possibly only temporarily. My only cripe right now is that no one is letting me get Guy's 'Kryptonite' and I've been trying to do so for ages now.
::Odds and Ends:: Am currently reading Eudora Welty (a collection). And enjoying it. Makes me want to write more actually, and that's always good :)
Journo is getting back on track. Yay!
I have sworn off alcohol. Bring on the Coke! I am swapping the depressant (and believe me, it did!) for the not-so-stimulant. At least I get happy without getting ridiculous or ultimately depressed/humiliated.
I am finally getting my watch fixed (thanks to having a paycheque) after something like a year.
I've been doing some drawing again. Hurrah! And getting to sit down at the piano a bit more too.
I shall reserve my work rant till after the departure of the buggered hormones. Once that occurs, there is a slight chance I may like it. Although, there is no need to hold breath. In fact, I advise against it.
I finally get to watch the last ep of Friends, next Monday. I was sad when it actually ended [cue reader's laughter], but this'll just cement it for me.
Our house is getting redone and I'll finally be getting my own room. :) I'm 22 in less than a fortnight, 'tis about time, no?
Last Friday was the one year anniversary of the death of Jonathan Brandis. Rest In Peace
ETA: *Hurrah! I'm finally getting Kryptonite!*
True, not the greatest way to sort of restart, or repost, in my LJ but it's a ready outlet at this point. Hey, hopefully I'll have calmed down by the end of the entry, trusting that writing maintains its tendency to get me from Point A (I'm-a-pissed-off/depressed-as/hormonal-a
Beyond this paragraph, I'm not saying anything about work. Just. No. Point. Right now, I am completely and totally hormonal hence I could not hate it more. But that's now. Bah.
::Catch Up:: What's happened since I last posted here? Howard won. Bush won. I was pretty glad that Howard won (Latham was nothing more than a baby-kissing crowd pleaser who just did not seem to be able to make up his mind about anything). As to Bush? Out of two men who freak me out, he freaked me out less. Kerry seemed to resemble Latham a little too much for my liking. I could be wrong. I speak only of my personal impressions. I mean, is it too much to ask for someone to have the capacity to MAKE UP THEIR MIND AND STICK TO IT PLEASE????? Ok, maybe it is. I'm still gonna ask though. Trying to follow all the ups and downs just makes me wanna throw.
Ach. Whine, whinge, grumble. Gotta stop... or at least, tone it down.
::Home Front News:: One of my baby sisters (and by that, I mean, the 18 year old :P) had her graduation ceremony yesterday. I cannot believe it. She's 18!! She's out of school! She's going to uni!! How quickly did that all happen?? Four years ago, it was me. And hehe, nothing has changed. The ceremony, the dresses, the neverending speeches... nope, it's all the same. Except that my sis is taller than I was back then. :P
::Blood Boilers:: Along with a large portion of Australia at the moment, Idol's got me hooked. Anthony VS Casey. Honestly, I like them both. Despite his extremely pop-like style, I am an Anthony fan. His voice just plain kills. It's one of the best voices I've ever heard. Plus, despite the idea that people have deemed him arrogant, I've seen no real indication of that whatsoever. I especially did not see any of that supposed 'arrogance' when, for the first time ever, I watched him shake like a leaf during last night's show (ex-performance, thankfully) and, also for the first time ever, heard him slip on some notes.
There is something about him though, that drives me mad and that would be the fact that, if he were to be able to alter just a few things in his performance style, he would kill. End of story. I don't care that what he likes is more pop than anything else. Do not care, plus I like a lot of stuff that is considered pop (I like depth in my music, yes, but just because I also enjoy stuff that requires little or no real thought, this does not give anyone leave to label me as vacuous or shallow). But man! Those damn cheesy looks and little performance quirks that Johnny Young specialised in teaching back in the 80s... they really have to die. I mean, just die. I understand that years of training when you were a little kid are hard to unlearn, but get those out of there and he'd be one helluva performer. I'm completely with Dicko on the frustration. The best and the worst in the comp (almost) are both in him and if he could just forget all that the 'great' JY taught him. That would be bloody, freaking awesome. Oh yeah, and lose some of that melisma. Not all, but it needs cutting.
Combine his voice and dedication with Guy's emotional delivery. That would be amazing.
That said, I love Casey. Great voice, great control and, from what I can see, cool personality. She still has that little bit of 'I'm so grunge, get me?' going on, but she's getting over it and I really like that. She is better than that. And for someone who so many have crticised in terms of physical appearance, I must say, she has really gorgeous eyes. It gets even better when they actually come to life while she's singing. People are right (Anthony included) when they say she has an amazing ability to bring real emotion into her songs and more of that ability than anyone else in the comp. I know maturity and age are a subjective matter, but she's done pretty bloody well for herself for a 16 year old.
That she and Anthony are so obviously friends, and completely easy around one another, makes me even happier that they are the final two (kind of like Shannon and Guy, where Shannon = Casey, except I think Casey actually has talent). Had it been Courtney VS Anthony? I don't think it would have been as much fun to watch their antics. Last week's Inside Idol had me cracking up heaps!
**Speaking of cracking up, I did a great deal of that watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, last Friday. Funny and sweet as hell, that movie is. :D 'Twas a great end, to a completely shithouse week.**
Some of the stuff that people have said about both idol finalists... oh well. We are all entitled to our opinion (which I am overexercising at this point). I like them both and whosoever ends up winning, given that it is what they actually want, then I'll be happy. I only pity the fool that will have to record that hopeless song as their debut single. Wow. Craptacular as all hell.
Ok, I think that Point B has finally been reached, even if possibly only temporarily. My only cripe right now is that no one is letting me get Guy's 'Kryptonite' and I've been trying to do so for ages now.
::Odds and Ends:: Am currently reading Eudora Welty (a collection). And enjoying it. Makes me want to write more actually, and that's always good :)
Journo is getting back on track. Yay!
I have sworn off alcohol. Bring on the Coke! I am swapping the depressant (and believe me, it did!) for the not-so-stimulant. At least I get happy without getting ridiculous or ultimately depressed/humiliated.
I am finally getting my watch fixed (thanks to having a paycheque) after something like a year.
I've been doing some drawing again. Hurrah! And getting to sit down at the piano a bit more too.
I shall reserve my work rant till after the departure of the buggered hormones. Once that occurs, there is a slight chance I may like it. Although, there is no need to hold breath. In fact, I advise against it.
I finally get to watch the last ep of Friends, next Monday. I was sad when it actually ended [cue reader's laughter], but this'll just cement it for me.
Our house is getting redone and I'll finally be getting my own room. :) I'm 22 in less than a fortnight, 'tis about time, no?
Last Friday was the one year anniversary of the death of Jonathan Brandis. Rest In Peace
ETA: *Hurrah! I'm finally getting Kryptonite!*
Monday, October 04, 2004
Huzzah for Public Holidays! :D
It's 7.57am, Monday morning and I'm NOT on the train, getting to Strathfield and complaining about how annoying it is that Richmond trains aren't a priority to CityRail.
All that adds up to a good morning :)
Of course, that then bodes the question of why exactly I'm already on this thing at that time of the morning and not sleeping in like I normally am when I don't need to go to work. Ah well, simple answer. Caught up on sleep most of the weekend and ended up waking up at around 4am, unable to get back to sleep so hopped online for a bit.
Oh, thank you Queen Elizabeth by the way.
I'll say that this week is looking quite nice... Monday and Wednesday off. Work BBQ on Tuesday (for which I have to set up, but *shrug*).
Despite the fact that I'm now permanent, I still don't know if I see myself being there for very long. It's a little scary to think that it wasn't that long ago that I was so damn happy I didn't get this job... only to find myself in it now. I think that the battle between the Realist and the Idealist in me has never raged on so hard as it has been for the last couple months. Then again, that could simply be seen as a mark of my lack of maturity. Up till now, major adjustments remained only so in name. I just took to things. Uni, for example. I never really thought it would be the case but once I began uni, it all seemed normal to me. Things just fell in and I liked that.
What's happened since I began working has been pretty sad. Sad in the pathetic sense. Realist VS Idealist - day in, day out.
Without completely dissecting it all though, here's the final result:
The job is, objectively speaking, not that bad. And it pays. Depending on my mood (which is unfortunately, grossly unreliable), I either enjoy or loathe what I do, although essentially I know it's not so bad. It's just very far from anything I've ever wanted to do and not at all a place I'd like to remain in for the rest of my life. Plus, it eats away at whatever time I have in order to further pursue everything else I want to do.
But there you go. Not everybody loves their job and even fewer people get to do what they really want to do, and especially not straight away. Plus, it can't really be denied that counselling and journalism are not the most stable of occupations. I should just be thankful I have a source of income which isn't provided by the government and which I know will last. Not to say that I'll stop everything else, but take this whole thing for the good. If anything, it does bring me closer to PAYING for my journo and counselling courses so, in that sense, it's actually facilitating my goals, right? Money, time and effort... all necessary.
In terms of the corporate atmosphere? It's going to take some time to get used to (even more after a rather shameful display last Thursday, with some of the partners and some of the clients), but it'll happen eventually. Yes, yes, I remain the eternal optimist... after much painstaking whinging :P
I'm more than a little determined to get back on track with everyone though. Been sadly out of touch since I started working. Today, am beginning to work on fixing that so I'm meeting up with Esha, whom I haven't seen since her 21st! We're probably going to gab the day away but hey, that sounds good to me. :)
Oh that aside, have been for a while, but even moreso now, a major Anthony Callea fan. His rendition of 'The Prayer' was just downright awesome.
Shameless plug time! I'm sure y'all know the drill... right-click and save target as... :P If anyone's interested,
Anthony Callea - The Prayer.mp3
All that adds up to a good morning :)
Of course, that then bodes the question of why exactly I'm already on this thing at that time of the morning and not sleeping in like I normally am when I don't need to go to work. Ah well, simple answer. Caught up on sleep most of the weekend and ended up waking up at around 4am, unable to get back to sleep so hopped online for a bit.
Oh, thank you Queen Elizabeth by the way.
I'll say that this week is looking quite nice... Monday and Wednesday off. Work BBQ on Tuesday (for which I have to set up, but *shrug*).
Despite the fact that I'm now permanent, I still don't know if I see myself being there for very long. It's a little scary to think that it wasn't that long ago that I was so damn happy I didn't get this job... only to find myself in it now. I think that the battle between the Realist and the Idealist in me has never raged on so hard as it has been for the last couple months. Then again, that could simply be seen as a mark of my lack of maturity. Up till now, major adjustments remained only so in name. I just took to things. Uni, for example. I never really thought it would be the case but once I began uni, it all seemed normal to me. Things just fell in and I liked that.
What's happened since I began working has been pretty sad. Sad in the pathetic sense. Realist VS Idealist - day in, day out.
Without completely dissecting it all though, here's the final result:
The job is, objectively speaking, not that bad. And it pays. Depending on my mood (which is unfortunately, grossly unreliable), I either enjoy or loathe what I do, although essentially I know it's not so bad. It's just very far from anything I've ever wanted to do and not at all a place I'd like to remain in for the rest of my life. Plus, it eats away at whatever time I have in order to further pursue everything else I want to do.
But there you go. Not everybody loves their job and even fewer people get to do what they really want to do, and especially not straight away. Plus, it can't really be denied that counselling and journalism are not the most stable of occupations. I should just be thankful I have a source of income which isn't provided by the government and which I know will last. Not to say that I'll stop everything else, but take this whole thing for the good. If anything, it does bring me closer to PAYING for my journo and counselling courses so, in that sense, it's actually facilitating my goals, right? Money, time and effort... all necessary.
In terms of the corporate atmosphere? It's going to take some time to get used to (even more after a rather shameful display last Thursday, with some of the partners and some of the clients), but it'll happen eventually. Yes, yes, I remain the eternal optimist... after much painstaking whinging :P
I'm more than a little determined to get back on track with everyone though. Been sadly out of touch since I started working. Today, am beginning to work on fixing that so I'm meeting up with Esha, whom I haven't seen since her 21st! We're probably going to gab the day away but hey, that sounds good to me. :)
Oh that aside, have been for a while, but even moreso now, a major Anthony Callea fan. His rendition of 'The Prayer' was just downright awesome.
Shameless plug time! I'm sure y'all know the drill... right-click and save target as... :P If anyone's interested,
Anthony Callea - The Prayer.mp3
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Continuing the snaggage...
I'm in no mood to write an all too serious post for now.
The Panthers/Bulldogs game is playing as I type. Finals footy is so damn stressful! Go the Panthers!!!! I'm hearing the rest of the family yelling at the TV and will soon be joining them :D
Anywho, here's what I snagged from Gill, and below, my answers (to prevent me having to post em all over :P Yeah, yeah... I'm a lazy sod. Like that's a surprise ;))
o name:
o age:
o where on earth do you live:
o reason behind your LJ username:
o five things you want to do/accomplish before you die:
o what makes you happy:
o what have you been listening to lately:
o do you enjoy reading my LJ:
o if so, why:
o interesting fact about you:
o are you in love at the moment:
o favourite destination:
o favourite quote:
o will you post this in your LJ:
o a movie (that amazes you - a beautiful movie):
o a book (that inspires you, and one you couldn't put down):
o a musical artist, song, or album:
o your favourite LJ user (not on my list already):
o name: Jelynn Millare
o age: 21
o where on earth do you live: Sydney, Australia
o reason behind your LJ username: The last syllable of my first name plus 'M'
o five things you want to do/accomplish before you die: live life fully, love with everything, help where I can, publish something beautiful... give all I can
o what makes you happy: anything has that capacity
o what have you been listening to lately: whatever music I can... I've needed it
o do you enjoy reading my LJ: Jan - indeed I do (sorry I don't comment more hun!); May - I love reading your reviews darl; Gill - sometimes your LJ is my only link to you! Miss you heaps babe!
o if so, why: refer to above
o interesting fact about you: I'm moderately insane? Wait, that's more obvious than interesting :P
o are you in love at the moment: No
o favourite destination: lately, Nod
o favourite quote: oh man... which one? For now, will go with, 'You know, mean people suck.' Jason Behr, Roswell :P
o will you post this in your LJ: Will I? ;)
o a movie (that amazes you - a beautiful movie): Waking Life is still my current favourite... it's more stimulating than beautiful, but that in itself amazes me.
o a book (that inspires you, and one you couldn't put down): Different Seasons, Stephen King
o a musical artist, song, or album: BoyzIIMen, A Praise Chorus - Jimmy Eat World, Fallen - Evanescence
o your favourite LJ user (not on my list already): Can't say I have one
The Panthers/Bulldogs game is playing as I type. Finals footy is so damn stressful! Go the Panthers!!!! I'm hearing the rest of the family yelling at the TV and will soon be joining them :D
Anywho, here's what I snagged from Gill, and below, my answers (to prevent me having to post em all over :P Yeah, yeah... I'm a lazy sod. Like that's a surprise ;))
o name:
o age:
o where on earth do you live:
o reason behind your LJ username:
o five things you want to do/accomplish before you die:
o what makes you happy:
o what have you been listening to lately:
o do you enjoy reading my LJ:
o if so, why:
o interesting fact about you:
o are you in love at the moment:
o favourite destination:
o favourite quote:
o will you post this in your LJ:
o a movie (that amazes you - a beautiful movie):
o a book (that inspires you, and one you couldn't put down):
o a musical artist, song, or album:
o your favourite LJ user (not on my list already):
o name: Jelynn Millare
o age: 21
o where on earth do you live: Sydney, Australia
o reason behind your LJ username: The last syllable of my first name plus 'M'
o five things you want to do/accomplish before you die: live life fully, love with everything, help where I can, publish something beautiful... give all I can
o what makes you happy: anything has that capacity
o what have you been listening to lately: whatever music I can... I've needed it
o do you enjoy reading my LJ: Jan - indeed I do (sorry I don't comment more hun!); May - I love reading your reviews darl; Gill - sometimes your LJ is my only link to you! Miss you heaps babe!
o if so, why: refer to above
o interesting fact about you: I'm moderately insane? Wait, that's more obvious than interesting :P
o are you in love at the moment: No
o favourite destination: lately, Nod
o favourite quote: oh man... which one? For now, will go with, 'You know, mean people suck.' Jason Behr, Roswell :P
o will you post this in your LJ: Will I? ;)
o a movie (that amazes you - a beautiful movie): Waking Life is still my current favourite... it's more stimulating than beautiful, but that in itself amazes me.
o a book (that inspires you, and one you couldn't put down): Different Seasons, Stephen King
o a musical artist, song, or album: BoyzIIMen, A Praise Chorus - Jimmy Eat World, Fallen - Evanescence
o your favourite LJ user (not on my list already): Can't say I have one
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Ah, fathers...
Go on, have a piece! :D
A toast to all of you having a great day (most probably, at your own expense) :D
And Paps, well, simply put... love ya.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Working stiff...
Meanwhile, am semi getting used to working at Pitcher. The job, I'm getting used to, but the people? And the atmosphere? Not so great. Not a welcoming or comfortable place at all. I've met one other person who agrees with me... and the guy who got the job before, Michael, has resigned and his last day was yesterday. He just finished high school last year and has done a bar course and he resigned because now, the lucky bastard is tending bar for Cirque Du Soleil while they're here in Sydney (which will be for the next three months!). He and Christine are the only two people around whom I feel really comfortable. My supervisor, Vicki, is pretty cool too.
Not to say I've not spoken to a couple of nice people since I started there... but on the whole, the place is still really stiff.
Thankful for the fact that I'm getting used to the job though :) And I guess I should give the people a little time before I keep calling em stiff and unfriendly :P
For now though, huzzah for weekends! :D
Not to say I've not spoken to a couple of nice people since I started there... but on the whole, the place is still really stiff.
Thankful for the fact that I'm getting used to the job though :) And I guess I should give the people a little time before I keep calling em stiff and unfriendly :P
For now though, huzzah for weekends! :D
Friday, August 06, 2004
"My whole life flashed before my eyes!... It was really boring."
Man, that movie cracked me up big time :D
Meanwhile, Jo called me back and offered me a temp job for now and I'll be starting on Monday and working for a month. It's to cover for the Documents Coordinator, Lizzy, while she's on holiday. I'm currently sick with the very sudden onset of a cold, but hopefully it clears up a bit over the weekend. Goodbye late nights gabbin with Gill and Manda! Hello 6am starts! ;)
In the meantime, I'm still looking around for P/T work for when the month is over although Jo indicated that there was the possibility of another opening. We'll see how it goes.
As the class that I was told was supposed to happen last week, was in fact this Saturday, I have to prepare for that. I also have a friend's 22nd over at Pancakes on the Rocks on Sunday, but I may call to say I can't make it if I'm not feeling any better... I might even have to cancel on Saturday :( I don't want to get any of my kiddies sick!
Mel is leaving for the Phils on Saturday... going for a week. I'm hoping and praying she has a safe trip.
Meanwhile, Jo called me back and offered me a temp job for now and I'll be starting on Monday and working for a month. It's to cover for the Documents Coordinator, Lizzy, while she's on holiday. I'm currently sick with the very sudden onset of a cold, but hopefully it clears up a bit over the weekend. Goodbye late nights gabbin with Gill and Manda! Hello 6am starts! ;)
In the meantime, I'm still looking around for P/T work for when the month is over although Jo indicated that there was the possibility of another opening. We'll see how it goes.
As the class that I was told was supposed to happen last week, was in fact this Saturday, I have to prepare for that. I also have a friend's 22nd over at Pancakes on the Rocks on Sunday, but I may call to say I can't make it if I'm not feeling any better... I might even have to cancel on Saturday :( I don't want to get any of my kiddies sick!
Mel is leaving for the Phils on Saturday... going for a week. I'm hoping and praying she has a safe trip.
Friday, July 30, 2004
'Ow, ow, ow...' ;)
I am currently dealing with DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) for attempting to get a bit more active, after years of inactivity so well, it's pretty understandable. I've been making some rather laughable attempts at Capoeira (focusing on kicking mainly) and although I'm stuck aching like crazy, I'm happy to find that I can in fact, still execute a cartwheel and also that I can pull off a one hander! That was a nice surprise. Painful too. :P
Outside of the sore points though, I will say this much. Skin feels much better and I feel better. I like that. :)
Outside of the sore points though, I will say this much. Skin feels much better and I feel better. I like that. :)
Friday, July 16, 2004
Phone Messages, a la my little sis...
Got onto the computer after getting home today to find this on the screen:
'Phone Messages
For Jelynn:
> Menchie called
> Clarkey called
For Everyone:
> We are getting new locks if we do not find the keys
> Check the car
For Everyone that Counts:
> We are having McDonalds for dinner
To Nobody:
> Get a life'
I love you Duds. :)
'Phone Messages
For Jelynn:
> Menchie called
> Clarkey called
For Everyone:
> We are getting new locks if we do not find the keys
> Check the car
For Everyone that Counts:
> We are having McDonalds for dinner
To Nobody:
> Get a life'
I love you Duds. :)
Thursday, July 15, 2004
:D - it's all I can do right now! :D
After almost two hours of utter frustration with UNSW admin for not getting our results emails out, Mel and I were able to check our results and as per usual, Mel kicked ass! Congrats to her! She was so sure she was going to fail her Bacteria and Disease course and in the end she got a high credit! :P
As for me, I got a 69 in Stats!! Hurrah! :D After expecting less than 50, it just adds heaps to finding out I passed :D
So, now I'm finally sure, I'm GRADUATING! I've screamed myself stupid already (my brother jumped around the lounge room when he found out about his... how gender typical our reactions were :P) and in the process, I'm almost certain I blew out Mel's ear drums over the phone (she was the one who told me, 'dude, you got a 69!'). I don't know how long it's been since I last felt this happy... I've breathed numerous sighs of relief. :D
And now I apologise for my whininess about results to everyone to whom I've whined and ranted :P
As for me, I got a 69 in Stats!! Hurrah! :D After expecting less than 50, it just adds heaps to finding out I passed :D
So, now I'm finally sure, I'm GRADUATING! I've screamed myself stupid already (my brother jumped around the lounge room when he found out about his... how gender typical our reactions were :P) and in the process, I'm almost certain I blew out Mel's ear drums over the phone (she was the one who told me, 'dude, you got a 69!'). I don't know how long it's been since I last felt this happy... I've breathed numerous sighs of relief. :D
And now I apologise for my whininess about results to everyone to whom I've whined and ranted :P
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Ah well... ;)
I had the longest, most convoluted entry written up. I'm now going to put up the pain free version.
Jo, Christina and Vicki deemed me overqualified for the position which, ultimately, was kitchen/boardroom maintenance/clerical support (the title changed from Admin Assistant to Kitchen Assistant/Admin Assistant) and chose someone just fresh out of school and who had just completed a bar course and thus they thought would be more suited to the job long term. In other words, they were afraid I'd bore quickly considering my degree and interests. Jo liked me though so if a position on her HR team opens up, she'll call me. I'm also allowed to email her about what type of position I would possibly like within the company and she'll see what she can do.
Mel was not surprised considering she continued to maintain that she didn't like the idea of me just doing the random stuff they didn't want to have to for themselves (which they had conveniently formed into a job) and my brother even said that he reckoned they were probably wondering why I applied to begin with.
They're both sweet.
I no longer:
- have to consider being out from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday
- have to buy work clothes
- have to memorise the tasks
- have to rearrange my schedule (for hospital or med)
- have to worry about whether or not this job was right for me
I now have:
- corporate interview experience (had never done one before)
- a connection within HR
- time to refocus on writing, Journo and Counselling and looking for a better suited job (poss. P/T)
- availability lest I need to redo the stats exam
- time to REST after the most hellish semester (from sem to exams to interview, non-stop worry)
I'm honestly relieved that I didn't get the job. I didn't want it forever and I was actually beginning to despise it in the time approaching the second interview. To have a steady job and paycheck woud have been great and all, but at least now I know it wasn't for me and now, I can stop using up time thinking about it and all the potential havoc it would wreak on my life.
Now if only I could just keep things so simple all the time... I'd save a lot of time and energy.
Jo, Christina and Vicki deemed me overqualified for the position which, ultimately, was kitchen/boardroom maintenance/clerical support (the title changed from Admin Assistant to Kitchen Assistant/Admin Assistant) and chose someone just fresh out of school and who had just completed a bar course and thus they thought would be more suited to the job long term. In other words, they were afraid I'd bore quickly considering my degree and interests. Jo liked me though so if a position on her HR team opens up, she'll call me. I'm also allowed to email her about what type of position I would possibly like within the company and she'll see what she can do.
Mel was not surprised considering she continued to maintain that she didn't like the idea of me just doing the random stuff they didn't want to have to for themselves (which they had conveniently formed into a job) and my brother even said that he reckoned they were probably wondering why I applied to begin with.
They're both sweet.
I no longer:
- have to consider being out from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday
- have to buy work clothes
- have to memorise the tasks
- have to rearrange my schedule (for hospital or med)
- have to worry about whether or not this job was right for me
I now have:
- corporate interview experience (had never done one before)
- a connection within HR
- time to refocus on writing, Journo and Counselling and looking for a better suited job (poss. P/T)
- availability lest I need to redo the stats exam
- time to REST after the most hellish semester (from sem to exams to interview, non-stop worry)
I'm honestly relieved that I didn't get the job. I didn't want it forever and I was actually beginning to despise it in the time approaching the second interview. To have a steady job and paycheck woud have been great and all, but at least now I know it wasn't for me and now, I can stop using up time thinking about it and all the potential havoc it would wreak on my life.
Now if only I could just keep things so simple all the time... I'd save a lot of time and energy.
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
'The University has the following Graduation Details registered for you:
You have been identified as a Potential graduand.
If you are eligible to graduate, you can update your record to indicate whether you will attend the ceremony and to change your ceremony to an overseas ceremony.
Checklist for Potential Graduands
Potential graduands should check that all their student record details, testamur details and graduation details are correct. Some graduands may need to arrange to defer their graduation and/or attend an overseas ceremony. All potential graduands should be aware of relevant dates and deadlines
Important Information for Graduating Students
Graduating students should be aware of dates and venues for graduations, who may attend graduations, as well as other details and requirements for attendance at graduation ceremonies. Students who cannot or did not attend their graduation ceremony should be aware of the correct procedures.
How do I hire my academic gown?'
Just one more week of torture till results come out :P
You have been identified as a Potential graduand.
If you are eligible to graduate, you can update your record to indicate whether you will attend the ceremony and to change your ceremony to an overseas ceremony.
Checklist for Potential Graduands
Potential graduands should check that all their student record details, testamur details and graduation details are correct. Some graduands may need to arrange to defer their graduation and/or attend an overseas ceremony. All potential graduands should be aware of relevant dates and deadlines
Important Information for Graduating Students
Graduating students should be aware of dates and venues for graduations, who may attend graduations, as well as other details and requirements for attendance at graduation ceremonies. Students who cannot or did not attend their graduation ceremony should be aware of the correct procedures.
How do I hire my academic gown?'
Just one more week of torture till results come out :P
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Catch Up...
Ok, I'm still awaiting my results (and biting my nails in the meantime, ok not really)... the stats exam was horrendous, but at the same time I don't need much in order to pass... I need a bare 38% in the exam to pass. Hehehe, I'll find out soon enough.
I had a job interview with an accounting firm yesterday and it went really well :D My second interview is on Monday and so far, I'm liking my chances. It's a full time admin assistant position (I know, doesn't sound great, but considering how not so stable both journalism and counselling are, I need a more stable backer and in this position I have the opportunity to work up to HR). My interviewer yesterday, Jo, was so much nicer than I expected and she seems to like me :) Come Monday, I have to face the Admin Supervisor and the Financial Manager.
I'd love to get the job but I'll admit, without it, there are still a lot of other avenues I can take. At the moment, I just want to know that I'll be graduating.
In other news, The OC has just started here in Oz and I find myself hooked... Benjamin Mckenzie helps that out a little, I will admit ;) My sis beats me in the obsession department though... she's gone nutty for it! It's so funny to watch hehehe. Thirteen-year-olds, go figure lol.
Hope y'all are well! :hug:
Ok, I'm still awaiting my results (and biting my nails in the meantime, ok not really)... the stats exam was horrendous, but at the same time I don't need much in order to pass... I need a bare 38% in the exam to pass. Hehehe, I'll find out soon enough.
I had a job interview with an accounting firm yesterday and it went really well :D My second interview is on Monday and so far, I'm liking my chances. It's a full time admin assistant position (I know, doesn't sound great, but considering how not so stable both journalism and counselling are, I need a more stable backer and in this position I have the opportunity to work up to HR). My interviewer yesterday, Jo, was so much nicer than I expected and she seems to like me :) Come Monday, I have to face the Admin Supervisor and the Financial Manager.
I'd love to get the job but I'll admit, without it, there are still a lot of other avenues I can take. At the moment, I just want to know that I'll be graduating.
In other news, The OC has just started here in Oz and I find myself hooked... Benjamin Mckenzie helps that out a little, I will admit ;) My sis beats me in the obsession department though... she's gone nutty for it! It's so funny to watch hehehe. Thirteen-year-olds, go figure lol.
Hope y'all are well! :hug:
How to make a lynnem |
Ingredients: 3 parts competetiveness 5 parts humour 5 parts joy |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity |
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Traffic Check
Subject? I just clicked the box and scrolled, finding that among the options and wondering... huh? I don't remember that... so slotted it in just 'cause.
Ma's back. Things are (sort of) back to normal... and I am numb. It's not a bad thing really, I mean, I don't mind it. I'm just... here. That's all. I'm recovering from the flu and looking forward to the time ahead.
Why? Just some good things to get down :)
- Tuesday was my last day of uni, forever. Hurrah!
- I just finished my last essay (Socio) which I will be handing in tomorrow
- I have 2 weeks to study for my one exam, which is Stats
Graduation itself won't be until October and for now, I've got to work on making sure that I get to do so by that time, by not stuffing up stats again. I've got time though and a much clearer understanding of the stuff than I did last year (trying works... who knew?). Of course, considering back then I had 3 other psych subjects to contend with and only one socio subject this time around... anyway, getting that down perked me up actually... in fact...
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done with uni! HURRAH!!!!!!
Ok. Dignity back? There we go. :)
On Tuesday, it was almost as though it was meant to be my last day... I ran into so many people I hadn't seen in ages and was able to give them the news and catch up... I'm sure I'll miss it, but right now, the only thing I know is that I am so damn glad I'm done :) I ended up having to stay late though, since I decided to wait for Mel to finish so we could leave together. Ended up having to help my friend Amanda (one of the thousands I know... it's like an invasion!) because she lost her wallet so the two of us were retracing her steps. Poor thing. Her keys were attached. Good thing though that the only contents of that wallet, were her keys and student card, void of address.
Some friends are going to take me to lunch tomorrow as a mini celebration. Can't wait :)
ETA: it just occurred to me, I'd like to change my icon... anyone got any nice suggestions? I'm open :look: Kel, I think I shall rummage through those ones you made... so many! I only got through the first couple before realising I'd have to come back but the ones I saw looked lovely. Any Jon, Friends, AOGG or any random good pics are definitely welcome (I like your one Chris).
Ma's back. Things are (sort of) back to normal... and I am numb. It's not a bad thing really, I mean, I don't mind it. I'm just... here. That's all. I'm recovering from the flu and looking forward to the time ahead.
Why? Just some good things to get down :)
- Tuesday was my last day of uni, forever. Hurrah!
- I just finished my last essay (Socio) which I will be handing in tomorrow
- I have 2 weeks to study for my one exam, which is Stats
Graduation itself won't be until October and for now, I've got to work on making sure that I get to do so by that time, by not stuffing up stats again. I've got time though and a much clearer understanding of the stuff than I did last year (trying works... who knew?). Of course, considering back then I had 3 other psych subjects to contend with and only one socio subject this time around... anyway, getting that down perked me up actually... in fact...
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done with uni! HURRAH!!!!!!
Ok. Dignity back? There we go. :)
On Tuesday, it was almost as though it was meant to be my last day... I ran into so many people I hadn't seen in ages and was able to give them the news and catch up... I'm sure I'll miss it, but right now, the only thing I know is that I am so damn glad I'm done :) I ended up having to stay late though, since I decided to wait for Mel to finish so we could leave together. Ended up having to help my friend Amanda (one of the thousands I know... it's like an invasion!) because she lost her wallet so the two of us were retracing her steps. Poor thing. Her keys were attached. Good thing though that the only contents of that wallet, were her keys and student card, void of address.
Some friends are going to take me to lunch tomorrow as a mini celebration. Can't wait :)
ETA: it just occurred to me, I'd like to change my icon... anyone got any nice suggestions? I'm open :look: Kel, I think I shall rummage through those ones you made... so many! I only got through the first couple before realising I'd have to come back but the ones I saw looked lovely. Any Jon, Friends, AOGG or any random good pics are definitely welcome (I like your one Chris).
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
This week, is the first week in a month, that I have gone into uni both days I was supposed to. Small achievement, although a terrifying eye-opener to the fact that I have to get going on my stats assignment! I can only say things this bluntly, I don't like Stats, I don't like Psy (the program, not the Psych course) and I don't like that I have to do Stats in order to ensure I graduate after this semester.
I've been purposely avoiding getting online lately, only because I am fully aware of how prone I am to staying on for disgustingly long periods of time and feeding any of my extreme obsessions (one of which, lately has actually caused more undue stress than was ever necessary). Plus, got assignments (I believe I mentioned them above...?).
Thus far, I've succeeded. Here's to hoping it lasts. I've given myself only a few valid reasons - Manda and Gill, research, email, job search, and checking to see how all the rest of you are via LJ or FF are headers on them... anything else, no (list seems a bit long. I don't know how this is coming across, but when I say undue stress, I mean it. Part of me never wants to go online ever again, but knows that isn't entirely realistic... heck, I'm reluctant to get onto this PC now... my laptop is just so much safer).
Yuck, that all sounds so bellyache-ish. Clearly I vent. Had to though, just now anyway. Tired... very tired. Ok, enough.
Katherine, Mel, Clarkey, Manda, Gill, Amanda G, Menchie... I love you people so much, you guys ROCK. You know why.
On the brighter side (for there is always one... at least in my opinion anyway), I finally got more feedback from my Journalism tutor and he wants me to approach an editor as soon as possible, about my last assignment :D My only pang is that I honestly do have to get uni work out of the way before I can completely go ahead with researching and setting up interviews, however, those done, hurrah! Gary is a really cool tutor... I only wish it were easier to contact him considering he's generally on assignment himself. But hey, so far, :D
I'm so broke! 21sts all over the place! Meanwhile, my search for a present for Amanda M (her one last Saturday, was BEAUTIFUL) helped me discover Boy Meets Girl, by Meg Cabot. Funny, funny book along the same sort of lines as Bridget Jones's Diary. No classic, but definitely a great laugh. I still have to get pressies for Amanda G, Kim, Sarah and Kasey. Sarah's one is on Saturday (hurrah!). I had to miss a lot of 21sts last year and the year before so this year, I'm kinda making up for it... big time! Cha ching!
Last night, was watching my bro's friend's wedding DVD... so sweet... and the groomsmen! LOL! Show offs! Before the wedding, while they were accompanying the groom from his place, they all had to showcase a little for the camera (incl. my bro, who was best man.. the dill, he showed up the groom! Silly, silly, silly) and they are a funny lot. Meanwhile, a couple more of my friends (younger than me!) have gotten engaged this year but the weddings aren't till next year so, hehe, pardon my callousness but it eases the pressure on my wallet.
Monday, May 10, 2004
I know it's officially over now but,
... to all the mamas, mums, moms and mams out there,

Especially mine ;) Being able to admit to me for the past 21 and a bit years? If that's not admirable, I dunno what is.
Especially mine ;) Being able to admit to me for the past 21 and a bit years? If that's not admirable, I dunno what is.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
'Can't sleep... clown'll eat me. Can't sleep... clown'll eat me.'
Damned insomnia :P
Amanda's party was loverly and she's an absolute sweetheart. Keeping a little more closely in line with my normal way (not drinking at all), I only had one drink - a cosmopolitan slushie (yep, she had a machine). Not a fan of the cranberry juice I must say but in slurpie form? Well, actually, all it did was turn my hand into an icicle considering it was - and still is - freezing tonight.
The speeches were so sweet (albeit hilariously embarrassing as is 21st celebration tradition) and her mom had set up old pictures and drawings around their dining room. Hands down, the best one I saw was a drawing she had made when she was maybe around 5? It was an 'illustrated story' about a dot and a line who were in love, but whose love was torn asunder by a homewrecking squiggle (just not in those terms of course :lol:). How freaking adorable!
Amanda's party was loverly and she's an absolute sweetheart. Keeping a little more closely in line with my normal way (not drinking at all), I only had one drink - a cosmopolitan slushie (yep, she had a machine). Not a fan of the cranberry juice I must say but in slurpie form? Well, actually, all it did was turn my hand into an icicle considering it was - and still is - freezing tonight.
The speeches were so sweet (albeit hilariously embarrassing as is 21st celebration tradition) and her mom had set up old pictures and drawings around their dining room. Hands down, the best one I saw was a drawing she had made when she was maybe around 5? It was an 'illustrated story' about a dot and a line who were in love, but whose love was torn asunder by a homewrecking squiggle (just not in those terms of course :lol:). How freaking adorable!
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Just a note :)
I'm getting ready to head off to Amanda's 21st but as I was checking train timetables, I got this 'note from Kyle and Angela' whose engagement party I recently went to, and I thought, ok, I'll share why I'm so red-faced right now :lol:
'Thank you Jelynn for the absolutely gorgeous crystal basket. Also we'd like to thank you for celebrating our engagement with us. By the way, just confirming to let you know you WERE caught on tape dancing'!
Thanks a lot Tracey (Ange's mom)! :eek: I am never going to imitate dancing purple hippos from TV ever again :P
'Thank you Jelynn for the absolutely gorgeous crystal basket. Also we'd like to thank you for celebrating our engagement with us. By the way, just confirming to let you know you WERE caught on tape dancing'!
Thanks a lot Tracey (Ange's mom)! :eek: I am never going to imitate dancing purple hippos from TV ever again :P
Sunday, May 02, 2004
I'm sitting here pondering whether or not I'll be hungover in the morning, whilst checking email (!).
Ah, we'll see.
And I still don't call myself an alco. Almost 10 drinks, once in a blue moon doesn't make me an alco.
Does it?
I'm not actually drunk, but I do feel a bit odd. I'm actually surprised at my tolerance level... I thought that not drinking would have made me more sensitive.
Like I said, we'll see.
Btw, just to mention since I've not done so yet this year.... Penrith won yesterday's game against the Tigers after 2 defeats in a row so hurrah! That made my Friday :)
Ah, we'll see.
And I still don't call myself an alco. Almost 10 drinks, once in a blue moon doesn't make me an alco.
Does it?
I'm not actually drunk, but I do feel a bit odd. I'm actually surprised at my tolerance level... I thought that not drinking would have made me more sensitive.
Like I said, we'll see.
Btw, just to mention since I've not done so yet this year.... Penrith won yesterday's game against the Tigers after 2 defeats in a row so hurrah! That made my Friday :)
Sunday, April 25, 2004
'Lest We Forget'
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning..
We will remember them'
May we never forget the sacrifices made in WWI by the Anzacs
(the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)
Friday, April 23, 2004
I love these guys. I've not laughed this hard in a looong time.
But damned if I know what's up with all the 'cakes'.
But damned if I know what's up with all the 'cakes'.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Writing mood; on.
Although the time of relaxation in which I've been indulging lately is about to - nay, has to - end soon, it's done a whole bloody world of good.
Uni began again this week and I only ended up going in on Tuesday because I was sick on Monday. So I missed one RM3A lecture. Again. Second Monday Lecture I've missed in a row which is not fantastic since this is my second time around. And, to make that even more ridiculous (although at least this time, guilt-free), next Monday is a public holiday (ANZAC weekend) so that will make it the 3 for 3.
Tuesday was, to say the least, draining. Tolerable, but still draining. I was pretty keen to go in too, since I hadn't seen anyone all week break. I was all set, good mood and all. First lecture was sociology, which is generally ok, albeit a little sleepy at times because my lecturer is in the habit of rambling. I was only slightly bored since Travis and Adra are always great entertainment but then towards the end of the lecture, we had to watch 4Corners footage of the Rwandan massacre (the topic this week was Ethnic Cleansing). We were watching the testimonies made by some of the Hutu killers.
I don't know if I've ever watched anything so distressing in my whole life.
No, it wasn't extremely graphic (minus the shot after shot of bodies and bloodied streams - whether you would call that graphic, I suppose, is subjective), but... several times throughout the video, I wanted to cry and at the end, I was physically ill. The words of those talking didn't make things any better (sometimes describing what they actually did to people with more detail than was desirable). You could see they were remorseful and that they themselves, didn't seem to understand what they had been doing and why, outside of the basic hatred and wish to rid themselves of oppression. I won't go into any of it here... a woman who survived the killings at the church gave her account and I still want to cry just thinking about it.
The whole thing depressed me (I don't think I need to excuse myself for that). After studying Psych for 3 years, you stop asking how people can bring themselves to do that sort of thing. People are capable of anything. You certainly don't have to be a psych student to know that, you just have to watch the news. Of course, I can still ask why... but it doesn't make acknowledging these things any easier to swallow.
Adra and I were walking to stats and basically trying to work it through I guess... although the fact that stats was where we were headed didn't help things. My motivation was shot momentarily and listening to Melanie go over orthogonal contrasts was just a little too much. It's not an excuse, true, but my notes for that lecture are pretty poor. I also found that I was missing a page of the notes so that didn't help - ruddy printer - and I was also a little disappointed to find that a friend of mine wasn't there (Menchie and I are still in the process of trying to convince Reyna to come to class more often so I was glad to see her there though).
Those 3 painful hours finally done, I had a break and ended up having lunch with Mench, Mel and Kristine (who's still relatively new... only been here for a month! Hasn't stopped her from having already visited Taronga Zoo hehe). The mood was kinda sombre though because Mel wasn't well and we were all trying to help her out a bit. It was kinda nice towards the end though because almost everyone I hadn't seen in ages appeared from nowhere so I was talking to a lot of people (at different times that is. Travis rocked up and crashed eventually), but this meant that the others were sort of stuck watching. I felt bad, rude but stretched a little at the same time. I'm not the greatest at manning several conversations at once so I fall into (very self-consciously) ignoring people. Not nice.
Sociology tutorial. Death. I don't hate this subject. I brought it on myself anyway... you don't enrol in a socio class called 'Space of Terror' without expecting some pain. I was still reeling slightly from the video (yes, it takes me a while to get past things) and I didn't want to be there. Justin and Travis are cool though, so I don't mind talking to them about it all. My tutor is pretty cool too. I got to argue a bit with the American exchange student, Dean (slight crush... slight!) and then the rest of the time, discussed the prep questions with the others... typical tute. Nothing too shocking I guess. Then I got my essay back. I did hopelessly. I passed, yes, but I was upset. I'd worked hard on that essay and it was a slight knock. Plus, it's socio. I'm generally good at the subject. My mood basically plummeted.
I just checked the actual percentage received. It was a high pass - almost a credit. I didn't realise (I simply saw the 'P' and the mark out of 25)... ok, that makes me feel a little better. Sheesh, get all the facts first... heh.
The day picked up a little after that. Met up with Reyna and Menchie and the two of them were playing around with her new phone [rant warning - I hate these new phones. I seriously can't stand them. Polyphonic ringtones piss me off so much, I don't see the point of having a camera or video in your phone and I could never imagine myself surfing the net on my mobile. I get that other people want them so I don't rant about it too often, but as long as my phone lets me ring or text people and vice versa, then I'm set. I just don't see the need I guess, but how you use your money is how you use your money so... I'm not big on buying things I don't need, that's all. Ok, I'll admit to wanting a bunch of DVDs and books. They are my weaknesses, though I don't have the means and even if I did, doesn't mean I'd buy 'em. Yes, I'm a scrooge. And any friend who has tried to take me clothes shopping, knows enough to fuhgeddaboutit].
The rest of the day is a bit of a dreary blur, outside of my conversation with Duane which revealed that the two us have a lot more in common than I had originally thought. Then again, anyone who knows what Ciclosporin even is, gets points with me. Oh and Reyna's friend Ralph, is a gag. I don't get to see a lot of the homey-boy Filos at my uni so he was kind of a breath of fresh air (despite the fact that most of the time, those guys really shit me). Stats tute came and went and then Mel, Menchie and I met up with Jen at Central and headed home. I honestly envy Jen right now. She's working at ING at the moment and has deferred the year. Not thinking about assignments, classes, researching, etc... sounds positively loverly (May and Gill, seriously, I don't know how you handle both work and school, but bravo girls). I've a semester then I can do that, which I suppose is better considering Jen will have to come back to it. The job search is still on though and the job at uni is ??? Honestly, I've not heard a word (Ri!!).
Journalism is going well. My tutor is cool and I love that I'm not doing it at uni.
Yesterday, Menchie and I headed off to Parra to watch 50 First Dates. That's a really cute movie and at the same time, Mench and I kept thinking of secondyear cognition. We had to watch a video of a man who had a similar condition. It was so sad... every time he'd see his wife, though he knew who she was, it was as though he was seeing her for the first time. You could see the look on her face... though the movie is funny, you can't laugh at the fact that it's real. A lot of people live this way.
While at Parra, I found DVDs for It and NESII but of course, they were expensive as. I'm more glad to know they're available here in Oz. Not many Jonathan Brandis movies are (yes, I'm hoarding, so sue me) and I don't think I've much hope for finding the TV ones but thanking Jan for trying! And BJ for offering to tape and send :D You people are loverly.
Oh, and a hurrah! I found a bunch of songs I'd been wanting for the longest time! I first saw the Macross movies when I was around 12 or 13 and I loved the music... I was able to find Ai Oboeteimasuka from the original Macross. I love that song... it's in Japanese, yes, but it's still one of my favourite songs ever and it's way better in Japanese anyway (I've the english lyrics as well). Yoko Kanno's cello version of the Myung theme for Macross Plus and the vocal as well, and Between Heaven and Earth. I also got Cruel Angel's Thesis and Dance Like You Want to Win from Neon Genesis. I love manga soundtracks. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the themes for Battle Angel Alita or Tokyo Babylon but hey, I got a lot already.
Meanwhile, thanks to Rick Dees (though I never listen to you hehe) for bringing Hoobastank's The Reason, Switchfoot's Meant to Live and Five For Fighting's 100 Years to my attention. And Mel, thanks for telling me that there was a 9min version of In Da Club. Man! It's replaced my old one. My music collection grows... recent additions besides the aforementioned, were Chantal Kreviazuk, Bob Schneider, Casper's Lullaby, Jordan Hill, Cranberries, Gene Wilder (Pure Imagination was one of my favourite songs when I was younger) and some stuff from the Sister Act soundtracks (great Gospel-y stuff).
Ok, I've been somewhat overindulgent with my music. I can't help it. Writing and music sustain me(of course, outside of prayer and my family and friends).
And now that my writing energy has all been used up, I've some stats notes to go over and organise for my optional test, a new journo assignment to start and a socio journal entry to write. My sis just asked me to look up some N64 cheats for her and I'm getting a kick out of reading them. I may not play much anymore but hey, now I wanna try a couple things. I'm such a geek! (that reminds me, I gotta see if I can get a hold of any of Wil Wheaton's books hehe. One of them's called Just a Geek, but he's only just finished writing it. Go here if you're interested).
Uni began again this week and I only ended up going in on Tuesday because I was sick on Monday. So I missed one RM3A lecture. Again. Second Monday Lecture I've missed in a row which is not fantastic since this is my second time around. And, to make that even more ridiculous (although at least this time, guilt-free), next Monday is a public holiday (ANZAC weekend) so that will make it the 3 for 3.
Tuesday was, to say the least, draining. Tolerable, but still draining. I was pretty keen to go in too, since I hadn't seen anyone all week break. I was all set, good mood and all. First lecture was sociology, which is generally ok, albeit a little sleepy at times because my lecturer is in the habit of rambling. I was only slightly bored since Travis and Adra are always great entertainment but then towards the end of the lecture, we had to watch 4Corners footage of the Rwandan massacre (the topic this week was Ethnic Cleansing). We were watching the testimonies made by some of the Hutu killers.
I don't know if I've ever watched anything so distressing in my whole life.
No, it wasn't extremely graphic (minus the shot after shot of bodies and bloodied streams - whether you would call that graphic, I suppose, is subjective), but... several times throughout the video, I wanted to cry and at the end, I was physically ill. The words of those talking didn't make things any better (sometimes describing what they actually did to people with more detail than was desirable). You could see they were remorseful and that they themselves, didn't seem to understand what they had been doing and why, outside of the basic hatred and wish to rid themselves of oppression. I won't go into any of it here... a woman who survived the killings at the church gave her account and I still want to cry just thinking about it.
The whole thing depressed me (I don't think I need to excuse myself for that). After studying Psych for 3 years, you stop asking how people can bring themselves to do that sort of thing. People are capable of anything. You certainly don't have to be a psych student to know that, you just have to watch the news. Of course, I can still ask why... but it doesn't make acknowledging these things any easier to swallow.
Adra and I were walking to stats and basically trying to work it through I guess... although the fact that stats was where we were headed didn't help things. My motivation was shot momentarily and listening to Melanie go over orthogonal contrasts was just a little too much. It's not an excuse, true, but my notes for that lecture are pretty poor. I also found that I was missing a page of the notes so that didn't help - ruddy printer - and I was also a little disappointed to find that a friend of mine wasn't there (Menchie and I are still in the process of trying to convince Reyna to come to class more often so I was glad to see her there though).
Those 3 painful hours finally done, I had a break and ended up having lunch with Mench, Mel and Kristine (who's still relatively new... only been here for a month! Hasn't stopped her from having already visited Taronga Zoo hehe). The mood was kinda sombre though because Mel wasn't well and we were all trying to help her out a bit. It was kinda nice towards the end though because almost everyone I hadn't seen in ages appeared from nowhere so I was talking to a lot of people (at different times that is. Travis rocked up and crashed eventually), but this meant that the others were sort of stuck watching. I felt bad, rude but stretched a little at the same time. I'm not the greatest at manning several conversations at once so I fall into (very self-consciously) ignoring people. Not nice.
Sociology tutorial. Death. I don't hate this subject. I brought it on myself anyway... you don't enrol in a socio class called 'Space of Terror' without expecting some pain. I was still reeling slightly from the video (yes, it takes me a while to get past things) and I didn't want to be there. Justin and Travis are cool though, so I don't mind talking to them about it all. My tutor is pretty cool too. I got to argue a bit with the American exchange student, Dean (slight crush... slight!) and then the rest of the time, discussed the prep questions with the others... typical tute. Nothing too shocking I guess. Then I got my essay back. I did hopelessly. I passed, yes, but I was upset. I'd worked hard on that essay and it was a slight knock. Plus, it's socio. I'm generally good at the subject. My mood basically plummeted.
I just checked the actual percentage received. It was a high pass - almost a credit. I didn't realise (I simply saw the 'P' and the mark out of 25)... ok, that makes me feel a little better. Sheesh, get all the facts first... heh.
The day picked up a little after that. Met up with Reyna and Menchie and the two of them were playing around with her new phone [rant warning - I hate these new phones. I seriously can't stand them. Polyphonic ringtones piss me off so much, I don't see the point of having a camera or video in your phone and I could never imagine myself surfing the net on my mobile. I get that other people want them so I don't rant about it too often, but as long as my phone lets me ring or text people and vice versa, then I'm set. I just don't see the need I guess, but how you use your money is how you use your money so... I'm not big on buying things I don't need, that's all. Ok, I'll admit to wanting a bunch of DVDs and books. They are my weaknesses, though I don't have the means and even if I did, doesn't mean I'd buy 'em. Yes, I'm a scrooge. And any friend who has tried to take me clothes shopping, knows enough to fuhgeddaboutit].
The rest of the day is a bit of a dreary blur, outside of my conversation with Duane which revealed that the two us have a lot more in common than I had originally thought. Then again, anyone who knows what Ciclosporin even is, gets points with me. Oh and Reyna's friend Ralph, is a gag. I don't get to see a lot of the homey-boy Filos at my uni so he was kind of a breath of fresh air (despite the fact that most of the time, those guys really shit me). Stats tute came and went and then Mel, Menchie and I met up with Jen at Central and headed home. I honestly envy Jen right now. She's working at ING at the moment and has deferred the year. Not thinking about assignments, classes, researching, etc... sounds positively loverly (May and Gill, seriously, I don't know how you handle both work and school, but bravo girls). I've a semester then I can do that, which I suppose is better considering Jen will have to come back to it. The job search is still on though and the job at uni is ??? Honestly, I've not heard a word (Ri!!).
Journalism is going well. My tutor is cool and I love that I'm not doing it at uni.
Yesterday, Menchie and I headed off to Parra to watch 50 First Dates. That's a really cute movie and at the same time, Mench and I kept thinking of secondyear cognition. We had to watch a video of a man who had a similar condition. It was so sad... every time he'd see his wife, though he knew who she was, it was as though he was seeing her for the first time. You could see the look on her face... though the movie is funny, you can't laugh at the fact that it's real. A lot of people live this way.
While at Parra, I found DVDs for It and NESII but of course, they were expensive as. I'm more glad to know they're available here in Oz. Not many Jonathan Brandis movies are (yes, I'm hoarding, so sue me) and I don't think I've much hope for finding the TV ones but thanking Jan for trying! And BJ for offering to tape and send :D You people are loverly.
Oh, and a hurrah! I found a bunch of songs I'd been wanting for the longest time! I first saw the Macross movies when I was around 12 or 13 and I loved the music... I was able to find Ai Oboeteimasuka from the original Macross. I love that song... it's in Japanese, yes, but it's still one of my favourite songs ever and it's way better in Japanese anyway (I've the english lyrics as well). Yoko Kanno's cello version of the Myung theme for Macross Plus and the vocal as well, and Between Heaven and Earth. I also got Cruel Angel's Thesis and Dance Like You Want to Win from Neon Genesis. I love manga soundtracks. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the themes for Battle Angel Alita or Tokyo Babylon but hey, I got a lot already.
Meanwhile, thanks to Rick Dees (though I never listen to you hehe) for bringing Hoobastank's The Reason, Switchfoot's Meant to Live and Five For Fighting's 100 Years to my attention. And Mel, thanks for telling me that there was a 9min version of In Da Club. Man! It's replaced my old one. My music collection grows... recent additions besides the aforementioned, were Chantal Kreviazuk, Bob Schneider, Casper's Lullaby, Jordan Hill, Cranberries, Gene Wilder (Pure Imagination was one of my favourite songs when I was younger) and some stuff from the Sister Act soundtracks (great Gospel-y stuff).
Ok, I've been somewhat overindulgent with my music. I can't help it. Writing and music sustain me(of course, outside of prayer and my family and friends).
And now that my writing energy has all been used up, I've some stats notes to go over and organise for my optional test, a new journo assignment to start and a socio journal entry to write. My sis just asked me to look up some N64 cheats for her and I'm getting a kick out of reading them. I may not play much anymore but hey, now I wanna try a couple things. I'm such a geek! (that reminds me, I gotta see if I can get a hold of any of Wil Wheaton's books hehe. One of them's called Just a Geek, but he's only just finished writing it. Go here if you're interested).
Thursday, April 08, 2004
21sts, 21sts... and more 21sts
Just got back from Esha's (really good uni friend) 21st out at Kensington... lovely :) I got the chance to see a lot of people I never get to see anymore thanks to conflicting timetables! So many of my friends have disappeared ahead of me, doing honours and worrying about their thesis and panel meetings and such, and the rest of them are no longer in my classes, so it was great getting to see them again! The night was pretty much spent eating, drinking, laughing and - in the grand tradition of all 21sts - embarrassing Esha :D
I'd go into more detail, but as I said before, my body has been in constant rebellion lately because I've been severely depriving it of sleep... why am I even here? Well... I only came online to check mail and accidently opened this (was about to add 'by accident' to the end of that *rolls eyes* - clearly, I'm not thinking straight:P). I couldn't help thinking that it looked pretty neglected so thought to myself, 'why the hell not? A quickie update wouldn't hurt... and here we are.
That was fascinating wasn't it?
In clarification of the title, tonight's was something like the hundredth 21st I've been to within the last year and a bit and there are several still coming :) Man, I love being 21... the most immediate two coming up are for two of the many Amandas I know, one of whom drove me back tonight (glad you found your way home, despite my apparently pathetic directions, sweetie! :)) and they're both looking to be good.
Anyway, am off to bed. Night to all and, because I'm sure I won't be diligent enough to update before then, have a Happy Easter! :D
I'd go into more detail, but as I said before, my body has been in constant rebellion lately because I've been severely depriving it of sleep... why am I even here? Well... I only came online to check mail and accidently opened this (was about to add 'by accident' to the end of that *rolls eyes* - clearly, I'm not thinking straight:P). I couldn't help thinking that it looked pretty neglected so thought to myself, 'why the hell not? A quickie update wouldn't hurt... and here we are.
That was fascinating wasn't it?
In clarification of the title, tonight's was something like the hundredth 21st I've been to within the last year and a bit and there are several still coming :) Man, I love being 21... the most immediate two coming up are for two of the many Amandas I know, one of whom drove me back tonight (glad you found your way home, despite my apparently pathetic directions, sweetie! :)) and they're both looking to be good.
Anyway, am off to bed. Night to all and, because I'm sure I won't be diligent enough to update before then, have a Happy Easter! :D
Friday, March 26, 2004
Still trying to finally get a grip of my net legs...
... but I'm so glad that I have it back! :D It's been a little too long. I've missed so many people and just lost contact with so many people... I've been lucky enough to grab Gill, Manda and Je a lot already... I was able to finally get back in touch with a close friend from uni whom I've not had the chance to see in ages!
Ok, basics. Some catch up. The last 5 months or so have been pretty damn interesting... unfortunately, I don't actually have the time to go into too much detail (sure, that's gonna stop me!). Life's thrown its fair share of curveballs at me over that time, but thankfully, things are pretty good at the moment (now if I could just get over my crippling lack of motivation to get down to work already! Ugh).
I'm finally doing my journalism course, after waiting 4 years to get to it... and it's great! I love it! My tutor is really nice and extremely supportive and he's encouraged me to write up my article and send it in! Considering I was expecting all sorts of criticism for my idea (basically about inflating UAI cutoffs, their effect on school leavers and possible educational alternatives - outside of Oz, I don't know how much of that people'd understand) but he loved it! I'm working on it at the moment and I just have to finally get those interviews I need finished up :)
I'm only part time at uni now, with a very sweet 2-day week, so I'm looking for part time work at the moment. That search has been, well, less than successful. Thus far anyway. Weight Watchers and Thomson Legal & Regulatory have me on file (no word yet though) and I've applied for a couple places on (fingers crossed on getting an interview!) but unfortunately, with regards to ads in the paper, I always get the paper too late in the day (after business hours). I call a half day late and people are telling me that the position has already been filled. I've decided to somehow snag the paper first thing and then exploit these places' clear need for someone now. Unfortunately, all the better jobs I'm suited for are full time.
Ah, c'est la vie.
At the moment, I've just got a temporary stint, filing at uni and still volunteering to be meeter and greeter at open days. I complain not, because UNSW is extraordinarily generous to its employees.
Late November, falling in line with this pc, my laptop decided it was time to call it quits and I lost a lot of writing. I wish I had meant it when I said I was going to put my writing on hiatus because then, maybe I wouldn't have lost so much. If there's anything I've learnt from this - besides the fact that I have a bizarre love/hate relationship with computers - it's backup, backup and backup! Now, I've got everything on the laptop (which we had fixed in January.. till then, no computer at all in the house), and two extra disks. I still doubt whether that's enough but... I'll live (I hope!).
I was really out of it during the following months (although there were some pretty good distractions... a bunch of 21sts (including my own), good ol' Christmas...). I lost an entire story, and huge chunks out of almost all the others. I justify my lack of floppy usage with the fact that I lost some assignments because of disks which suddenly stopped working for reasons unknown so I saw no point. Not till I could get some new ones anyway... plus, the laptop had been reliable to that point so I guess I got complacent about the whole thing. Pretty big mistake eh?
I tried writing by hand again (the keyboard has spoilt me. My handwriting isn't fast enough) and was able to punch out a few things. Re-writing is such a bitch though. I tried to stop thinking of it as re-writing but it's hard... you still can't help but think that what you are trying to write, is never going to be as good as what you had originally. Nevertheless, was finally able to 'rebuild on the ruins' as I kept putting it and, although not every lost scene has been rewritten, I've been able to write new ones quite well and begin new pieces :D Basically, I'm back on my way.
Coz I was sick most of the holidays (the heat! Bloody, ghastly hell, the heat!), I was only able to pursue those less strenuous activities... aside from trying to write (I just couldn't do it for a pretty long time) did a lot of sketching and drawing, got started on some new piano pieces, read a lot (got some excellent books for my birthday and Christmas... to name a few; On Writing, by Stephen King, Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, Catcher In The Rye, Gibran's The Prophet... I also got Tuesdays with Morrie but my friend forgot it the day of my 21st so she gave it to me last week at uni, meaning I haven't had the chance to read it yet... been too busy), and basically added to my movie collection (aahhh cable...).
Man... I knew the lack of time would do nothing. Ok, quickies:
- Chris, that talk finally happened. I'll email you as soon as I can with the details :D but I can tell you... so much weight off my shoulders! Hurrah! ;)
- Wedding notices! My friend Kirsty got married late last year and another friend of mine, Angela (Happy 20th darl and congrats!!), just got engaged. Angela and I were friends back when we were little and we've only just recently gotten back in touch... her daughter is so adorable! And pretty well-behaved for an almost 3 yr old!
Ok, ok, I think I'm gonna wrap this one up now. Focus! Assignments! I've been ODing on the net usage over the last couple days (catch up was necessary, as well as fixing up a few new things) and I'm trying to avoid that AOL warning that fires itself at any users that go over 95 hours in a month, giving us a 20minute time limit online :P
I just hope y'all are doing well :) Hmmm... maybe that would have sufficed as opposed to drivel above. Oh well, tough.
Ok, basics. Some catch up. The last 5 months or so have been pretty damn interesting... unfortunately, I don't actually have the time to go into too much detail (sure, that's gonna stop me!). Life's thrown its fair share of curveballs at me over that time, but thankfully, things are pretty good at the moment (now if I could just get over my crippling lack of motivation to get down to work already! Ugh).
I'm finally doing my journalism course, after waiting 4 years to get to it... and it's great! I love it! My tutor is really nice and extremely supportive and he's encouraged me to write up my article and send it in! Considering I was expecting all sorts of criticism for my idea (basically about inflating UAI cutoffs, their effect on school leavers and possible educational alternatives - outside of Oz, I don't know how much of that people'd understand) but he loved it! I'm working on it at the moment and I just have to finally get those interviews I need finished up :)
I'm only part time at uni now, with a very sweet 2-day week, so I'm looking for part time work at the moment. That search has been, well, less than successful. Thus far anyway. Weight Watchers and Thomson Legal & Regulatory have me on file (no word yet though) and I've applied for a couple places on (fingers crossed on getting an interview!) but unfortunately, with regards to ads in the paper, I always get the paper too late in the day (after business hours). I call a half day late and people are telling me that the position has already been filled. I've decided to somehow snag the paper first thing and then exploit these places' clear need for someone now. Unfortunately, all the better jobs I'm suited for are full time.
Ah, c'est la vie.
At the moment, I've just got a temporary stint, filing at uni and still volunteering to be meeter and greeter at open days. I complain not, because UNSW is extraordinarily generous to its employees.
Late November, falling in line with this pc, my laptop decided it was time to call it quits and I lost a lot of writing. I wish I had meant it when I said I was going to put my writing on hiatus because then, maybe I wouldn't have lost so much. If there's anything I've learnt from this - besides the fact that I have a bizarre love/hate relationship with computers - it's backup, backup and backup! Now, I've got everything on the laptop (which we had fixed in January.. till then, no computer at all in the house), and two extra disks. I still doubt whether that's enough but... I'll live (I hope!).
I was really out of it during the following months (although there were some pretty good distractions... a bunch of 21sts (including my own), good ol' Christmas...). I lost an entire story, and huge chunks out of almost all the others. I justify my lack of floppy usage with the fact that I lost some assignments because of disks which suddenly stopped working for reasons unknown so I saw no point. Not till I could get some new ones anyway... plus, the laptop had been reliable to that point so I guess I got complacent about the whole thing. Pretty big mistake eh?
I tried writing by hand again (the keyboard has spoilt me. My handwriting isn't fast enough) and was able to punch out a few things. Re-writing is such a bitch though. I tried to stop thinking of it as re-writing but it's hard... you still can't help but think that what you are trying to write, is never going to be as good as what you had originally. Nevertheless, was finally able to 'rebuild on the ruins' as I kept putting it and, although not every lost scene has been rewritten, I've been able to write new ones quite well and begin new pieces :D Basically, I'm back on my way.
Coz I was sick most of the holidays (the heat! Bloody, ghastly hell, the heat!), I was only able to pursue those less strenuous activities... aside from trying to write (I just couldn't do it for a pretty long time) did a lot of sketching and drawing, got started on some new piano pieces, read a lot (got some excellent books for my birthday and Christmas... to name a few; On Writing, by Stephen King, Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, Catcher In The Rye, Gibran's The Prophet... I also got Tuesdays with Morrie but my friend forgot it the day of my 21st so she gave it to me last week at uni, meaning I haven't had the chance to read it yet... been too busy), and basically added to my movie collection (aahhh cable...).
Man... I knew the lack of time would do nothing. Ok, quickies:
- Chris, that talk finally happened. I'll email you as soon as I can with the details :D but I can tell you... so much weight off my shoulders! Hurrah! ;)
- Wedding notices! My friend Kirsty got married late last year and another friend of mine, Angela (Happy 20th darl and congrats!!), just got engaged. Angela and I were friends back when we were little and we've only just recently gotten back in touch... her daughter is so adorable! And pretty well-behaved for an almost 3 yr old!
Ok, ok, I think I'm gonna wrap this one up now. Focus! Assignments! I've been ODing on the net usage over the last couple days (catch up was necessary, as well as fixing up a few new things) and I'm trying to avoid that AOL warning that fires itself at any users that go over 95 hours in a month, giving us a 20minute time limit online :P
I just hope y'all are doing well :) Hmmm... maybe that would have sufficed as opposed to drivel above. Oh well, tough.
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