Hey everyone! Hope everyone's doing ok! I've missed y'all big time. Hope everyone who had finals got through them all ok! I'm extremely busy at the moment but I just got this in an email and I had to put it up:
The Buffalo Theory
(In one episode of 'Cheers', Cliff is seated at the bar describing the Buffalo Theory to his buddy, Norm. I don't think that I've ever heard the concept explained any better than this...)
'Well you see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the lowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
I don't even drink but I found that bloody hilarious.
Cheers all ;)
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Monday, October 13, 2003
Ok... most of this entry is simply to achieve some mental organisation so I can finally finish up my assignments... if there has been anything I've been neglecting lately, it's been those and I really need to fix that... I finished Apt Pupil last friday and I've decided to leave the last story till when I have the time. Meanwhile, that story is well written, but twisted... part of the reason it freaked me out a little was the fact that I could honestly see it happening in real life *shudder*
Anyway, I tend to just type and let things roll as I do so, so I'm expecting the rest of this entry to be really disjointed and very rambly...
Just some ideas to jot down for the ‘acting class’ that we’re going to put together for Behaviour in Organisations… I've not been able to properly meet up with the other members in my group considering everyone is so busy, thanks to the semester getting closer and closer to finishing...
We could look at the ways acting have changed over the years and pinpoint particular styles which we could cover in the class and those who were major performers in those styles, because I think that as part of teaching the class, we should also further advise our ‘students’ to do their own research on these styles and eras, by watching the old movies, observing the actors and reading up on old acting books and reading about what actors do to prepare (such is the advice of Mr. Wil Wheaton anyway. Not to say that there is no other approach or view on the subject, but it does sound pretty sensible to me…)
We then could select 2 or 3 styles which we can actively cover in the class. I already know of (or at least, have heard of) method acting, for example, for his short stint on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Charlie Sheen had to play a druggo at the police station. If my info is correct, to look the part, he actually did not sleep for 72 hours beforehand...
Outside of method acting, what else have we seen? The change in standard – in the early stages of cinema, it was a running joke, as well as almost a fact, that women who knew how to ‘faint’ and ‘scream’, had what it takes to get into the silent movies. Now, one might say that all a woman needs is a great body and face and voila! You have a successful actress, and this may also work for guys. Although personally, I don’t reckon you could say the larger, more powerful actors and actresses can’t act… I don’t think they could have maintained their careers if that were the case. Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise… and all the rest. I never cared much for how Brad looked, but he is one helluva good actor in my opinion. Not to mention his adaptability with accents.
Depending on who you are, the ways of approaching a role vary. We should look into that because people are different so we want to adopt a training style which will benefit all the students... I'm having trouble trying to use the last couple of lectures we had on training, with acting...
Up to this point, film acting has been the focus. However, there is TV (live or cartoon), theatre and other miscellaneous activities which involve a degree of acting, such as mime (I had to put that in… Chris is really jumping up and down to do his mime act for the class).
Theatre is very different from onscreen acting because you have to involve the live audience (TV or movies can have the actors try to involve the audience however, in the end, they are really only talking to a camera, as opposed to a live group of people again leading to different approaches). There is also the issue of positioning yourself on the stage. From every time I’ve been in a production, it appears to be a strict rule, never to turn your back on the audience. If you’re not facing them fully, then you should at least be in the position to allow you to have them in your sights and engage them in your dialogue. You’re addressing them just as much as you’re addressing the rest of the cast.
Oh my gosh! It just occurred to me to ask Xan and anyone else who’s in the Fellowship, if they’ve done any drama and what sort of stuff they did! Cool!
I think it would be a good idea to address the fact that while some people are brilliant actors, and others mediocre, there are those who couldn’t do it to save their lives… how could we include them in our training? I’m sure there are ways to get around that. I keep thinking of Joey (Friends) here and his little ‘tricks’… I’d like to see that actually hehehe.
I know there’s more, but I’m kind of tapped for now… as I watch an insane amount of TV and an equally ridiculous number of movies, Chris wants me to write the report up for the group. The dill. Meanwhile, I need to begin the research on that…
Ok, I now have to do the same sort of brainstorming for Psychopathology. This one is going to be a lot more difficult I’m sure, but it’s still worth half a shot or more.
Wow… this is proving to be harder than I expected… ok then. The experiment Ri and I carried out was looking to replicate the findings of past research investigating the relationship between particular parenting techniques or behaviours and non-compliance in normal families (the majority of past research looks at more extreme cases of noncompliant or aggressive behaviour in children, these kids having been diagnosed with actual behavioural disorders. This is why this experiment was only looking at non-compliance as it was assumed that more severe behaviours would more likely be rare in normal families).
Ok… according to research, particularly that which has been conducted by Patterson, it appears to be the case that parents of more aggressive or non-compliant children are more likely to give more commands, provide less positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviours (including compliance), and use ineffective strategies like threats, criticism and sporadic physical punishment to discourage inappropriate behaviour in their kids. These have been termed, ‘reinforcement traps’. This leads to children being less sensitive to patterns or reward and punishment and may be likely to simply increase their bad behaviour when they are punished, as was found by Snyder.
Hmmm… ok, that’s what I have so far… right now though, I can’t help thinking that although there are a lot of apparent relationships between aggression and physical punishment in families, I personally still reckon that some kids really need a good thwack on the butt once in a while… I’m not trying to endorse child beatings or anything, but I’m not quite sure I’d totally write off spanking just yet. I just reckon the issue differs from child to child. Some kids may benefit and others might not.
Anyway, back to the study. Did our experiment further support past research? I... don't bloody remember right now...all the correlations, positive or negative, were pretty weak however, there were some apparent effects, if not incredibly significant ones, so that's all I can really focus on. Ok... I gotta go over my results and my other readings again.
Ok... this has actually helped out a little bit :) I've got quite a few references for it, but I've still got to look up more info on acting :P For now though, I'm not as lost as I was before. Cool.
Anyway, I tend to just type and let things roll as I do so, so I'm expecting the rest of this entry to be really disjointed and very rambly...
Just some ideas to jot down for the ‘acting class’ that we’re going to put together for Behaviour in Organisations… I've not been able to properly meet up with the other members in my group considering everyone is so busy, thanks to the semester getting closer and closer to finishing...
We could look at the ways acting have changed over the years and pinpoint particular styles which we could cover in the class and those who were major performers in those styles, because I think that as part of teaching the class, we should also further advise our ‘students’ to do their own research on these styles and eras, by watching the old movies, observing the actors and reading up on old acting books and reading about what actors do to prepare (such is the advice of Mr. Wil Wheaton anyway. Not to say that there is no other approach or view on the subject, but it does sound pretty sensible to me…)
We then could select 2 or 3 styles which we can actively cover in the class. I already know of (or at least, have heard of) method acting, for example, for his short stint on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Charlie Sheen had to play a druggo at the police station. If my info is correct, to look the part, he actually did not sleep for 72 hours beforehand...
Outside of method acting, what else have we seen? The change in standard – in the early stages of cinema, it was a running joke, as well as almost a fact, that women who knew how to ‘faint’ and ‘scream’, had what it takes to get into the silent movies. Now, one might say that all a woman needs is a great body and face and voila! You have a successful actress, and this may also work for guys. Although personally, I don’t reckon you could say the larger, more powerful actors and actresses can’t act… I don’t think they could have maintained their careers if that were the case. Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise… and all the rest. I never cared much for how Brad looked, but he is one helluva good actor in my opinion. Not to mention his adaptability with accents.
Depending on who you are, the ways of approaching a role vary. We should look into that because people are different so we want to adopt a training style which will benefit all the students... I'm having trouble trying to use the last couple of lectures we had on training, with acting...
Up to this point, film acting has been the focus. However, there is TV (live or cartoon), theatre and other miscellaneous activities which involve a degree of acting, such as mime (I had to put that in… Chris is really jumping up and down to do his mime act for the class).
Theatre is very different from onscreen acting because you have to involve the live audience (TV or movies can have the actors try to involve the audience however, in the end, they are really only talking to a camera, as opposed to a live group of people again leading to different approaches). There is also the issue of positioning yourself on the stage. From every time I’ve been in a production, it appears to be a strict rule, never to turn your back on the audience. If you’re not facing them fully, then you should at least be in the position to allow you to have them in your sights and engage them in your dialogue. You’re addressing them just as much as you’re addressing the rest of the cast.
Oh my gosh! It just occurred to me to ask Xan and anyone else who’s in the Fellowship, if they’ve done any drama and what sort of stuff they did! Cool!
I think it would be a good idea to address the fact that while some people are brilliant actors, and others mediocre, there are those who couldn’t do it to save their lives… how could we include them in our training? I’m sure there are ways to get around that. I keep thinking of Joey (Friends) here and his little ‘tricks’… I’d like to see that actually hehehe.
I know there’s more, but I’m kind of tapped for now… as I watch an insane amount of TV and an equally ridiculous number of movies, Chris wants me to write the report up for the group. The dill. Meanwhile, I need to begin the research on that…
Ok, I now have to do the same sort of brainstorming for Psychopathology. This one is going to be a lot more difficult I’m sure, but it’s still worth half a shot or more.
Wow… this is proving to be harder than I expected… ok then. The experiment Ri and I carried out was looking to replicate the findings of past research investigating the relationship between particular parenting techniques or behaviours and non-compliance in normal families (the majority of past research looks at more extreme cases of noncompliant or aggressive behaviour in children, these kids having been diagnosed with actual behavioural disorders. This is why this experiment was only looking at non-compliance as it was assumed that more severe behaviours would more likely be rare in normal families).
Ok… according to research, particularly that which has been conducted by Patterson, it appears to be the case that parents of more aggressive or non-compliant children are more likely to give more commands, provide less positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviours (including compliance), and use ineffective strategies like threats, criticism and sporadic physical punishment to discourage inappropriate behaviour in their kids. These have been termed, ‘reinforcement traps’. This leads to children being less sensitive to patterns or reward and punishment and may be likely to simply increase their bad behaviour when they are punished, as was found by Snyder.
Hmmm… ok, that’s what I have so far… right now though, I can’t help thinking that although there are a lot of apparent relationships between aggression and physical punishment in families, I personally still reckon that some kids really need a good thwack on the butt once in a while… I’m not trying to endorse child beatings or anything, but I’m not quite sure I’d totally write off spanking just yet. I just reckon the issue differs from child to child. Some kids may benefit and others might not.
Anyway, back to the study. Did our experiment further support past research? I... don't bloody remember right now...all the correlations, positive or negative, were pretty weak however, there were some apparent effects, if not incredibly significant ones, so that's all I can really focus on. Ok... I gotta go over my results and my other readings again.
Ok... this has actually helped out a little bit :) I've got quite a few references for it, but I've still got to look up more info on acting :P For now though, I'm not as lost as I was before. Cool.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Pardon my french...
...but Stephen King is a fucking fantastic writer (I don't tend to swear when I write but, having just read two Stephen King books, it sort of just came out ;)). I've just finished Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and, to put it simply, I loved it. It's such an incredible, not to mention well written, story. That and The Body are two booksI could probably, and most probably will, read again and again... and again. I will say that I felt I could relate more to what he wrote in The Body, but Shawshank Redemption is such a great story, and Andy and Red are both characters I love. I had never thought of Stephen King as anything more than a horror writer... I'm glad to have found I was wrong (although I will agree with those who have bemoaned his rather graphic detail at times, although I think it just adds to his writing).
Alrighty then, on to Apt Pupil.
Alrighty then, on to Apt Pupil.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
'It's been... one week since you looked at me...'
At this very moment and sitting in this insanely bright comp lab (which is also freezing), when I really should be doing the research I was simply unable to do whilst waiting around for my brother to get our computer back from being fixed at his friend's house (I sound disgustingly ungrateful don't I?), I can certainly say that I am in no mood whatsoever to get onto any of that... I'm thinking that this entry is going to require a warning due to pending length and potential tangentiality (if there is a better version of that word, I would be very interested to know what the hell it is)...
Oh, before I get onto anything else at this point… Penrith won the NRL Grand Final!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrah!! They’ve been my team ever since I began following the footy (which admittedly, is not that long… I only began following mid-yr 12 and part of that was because I found out that they were Ryan Girdler’s team :P) and my sisters and I have had to watch them go from almost getting to the Final in 2000 (they were beaten my Parramatta, which is part of why I despise them so much), to getting the Wooden Spoon in 2001 (meaning they came dead last), to coming third last in 2002… and now this! :D Hurrah the underdogs (or cats, in this case)!
Sunday night, they were up against the Sydney Roosters, who were defending their title, which made victory just that bit sweeter, considering hardly anyone believed that the Panthers would actually do it… the conditions in which they had to play were severe… the rain was coming down in buckets and player after player fumbled with the ball or stuffed up at the drop out. Meanwhile, the media was going berserk what with it being ‘East VS West’ (Sydney used to be the Eastern Suburbs and the Panthers are from Penrith, which is at the foot of the mountains, way out west), ‘no.1 VS no. 2’ (Penrith were on top of the ladder before the qualifying finals and the Roosters were coming second) and (my personal favourite – do not ignore the sarcasm here –) ‘CafĂ© Latte VS Nescafe’ (easy explanation? East = posh, West = not so much)… and of course, you couldn’t forget the fact that almost everyone had betted against the Panthers (Joey Johns, the best player in the game wasn’t one of them, the legend)… I cracked up laughing when my dad bought the paper the next day and I saw the words, ‘Cinderella Story’ in bold, black print.
I won’t go into too much detail… that would take forever, but honestly, during the game, which up until the last 10 minutes or so was anyone’s game (10 minutes feels so damn long when you’re watching), my family and I had yelled so hard that my throat felt sore by the end… and when they actually did win? Forget it… my sisters and I were still able to somehow wrench those hollers right out… it was one helluva night. Katherine called me up the next day (in my ‘delirium’ I had texted about 7 or 8 people about the win) and told me that she ‘got [my] message’, I’m betting she later regretted that considering I ended up going on and on for about 15 minutes :P
Seriously, a huge congrats to the Panthers :D
Hehehe… the way I go on about League surprises a lot of people who don’t think they can really picture me yelling my head off at the TV during the game, or going on and on about defense and attack, etcetera, etcetera… which puzzles me because these people are often the same people, who refuse to believe me when I tell them that I was (and continue to maintain that I still am now!) shy back in high school. I know I can be pretty loud (believe me, family complaints have acted as a constant reminder) and my friends know it… I guess I don’t look like the sporty type. I’m not anyway, I just like to watch. Crap, I could never play League! Those guys go out there, guarded with just a cup underneath their uniforms (shorts and shirt and that’s it) and nothing else… if they want a mouth guard, they get one… if they want headgear, ditto… the majority of them have broken noses (as far as I’ve been able to see) and the way they tackle is brutal! There is a reason they have the Blood Bin as well as the Sin Bin…
Anyway, enough about NRL… I’ve been able to look up a couple journal articles for Psychopathology on Patterson’s Coercion Theory and child-family relations… they’re a start. The report is due next Friday and I’m less than thrilled about that considering the week after, I have 2 presentations to do, one being an acting class… explanation? For Organisational, groups of 4-5 have to conduct a training program in a particular occupation… when one member of my group suggested acting, we all began joking about it and laughing… it wasn’t until about 15 minutes later that I realized that we were seriously deciding to do it. In the end, we decided that this assignment was supposed to be fun anyway so why the hell not? Chris is dying to do his mime act in front of the class! And I admit, I’m dying to watch ;)
I've put my writing on hiatus for a little while - I'm currently working on about 8 things at the moment - and have decided to do a bit more reading... something I've not been able to properly sit down and do since high school (text books do NOT count!) as well as allowing myself to just think things through a little better before I continue... it's been suffering and I've not liked my most recent additions or updates as much as I would like. Right now (my timing sucks by the way, considering the amount of work due), I'm reading Different Seasons by Stephen King (it's four stories put together - Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, The Body (on which Stand by Me was based) and the Breathing Method) and Wilfred Owen - War Poems and others. I finished the Body and am on to the Shawshank Redemption... and I'm still reading the biography section of the Wilfren Owen book but I'm more familiar with his poetry :) I've missed doing this... I really have. I didn't think I'd like Stephen King so much either...
I realise that I've still not said much about Kim's wedding... next time ;) *Dodges a missile from May*
Oh, before I get onto anything else at this point… Penrith won the NRL Grand Final!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrah!! They’ve been my team ever since I began following the footy (which admittedly, is not that long… I only began following mid-yr 12 and part of that was because I found out that they were Ryan Girdler’s team :P) and my sisters and I have had to watch them go from almost getting to the Final in 2000 (they were beaten my Parramatta, which is part of why I despise them so much), to getting the Wooden Spoon in 2001 (meaning they came dead last), to coming third last in 2002… and now this! :D Hurrah the underdogs (or cats, in this case)!
Sunday night, they were up against the Sydney Roosters, who were defending their title, which made victory just that bit sweeter, considering hardly anyone believed that the Panthers would actually do it… the conditions in which they had to play were severe… the rain was coming down in buckets and player after player fumbled with the ball or stuffed up at the drop out. Meanwhile, the media was going berserk what with it being ‘East VS West’ (Sydney used to be the Eastern Suburbs and the Panthers are from Penrith, which is at the foot of the mountains, way out west), ‘no.1 VS no. 2’ (Penrith were on top of the ladder before the qualifying finals and the Roosters were coming second) and (my personal favourite – do not ignore the sarcasm here –) ‘CafĂ© Latte VS Nescafe’ (easy explanation? East = posh, West = not so much)… and of course, you couldn’t forget the fact that almost everyone had betted against the Panthers (Joey Johns, the best player in the game wasn’t one of them, the legend)… I cracked up laughing when my dad bought the paper the next day and I saw the words, ‘Cinderella Story’ in bold, black print.
I won’t go into too much detail… that would take forever, but honestly, during the game, which up until the last 10 minutes or so was anyone’s game (10 minutes feels so damn long when you’re watching), my family and I had yelled so hard that my throat felt sore by the end… and when they actually did win? Forget it… my sisters and I were still able to somehow wrench those hollers right out… it was one helluva night. Katherine called me up the next day (in my ‘delirium’ I had texted about 7 or 8 people about the win) and told me that she ‘got [my] message’, I’m betting she later regretted that considering I ended up going on and on for about 15 minutes :P
Seriously, a huge congrats to the Panthers :D
Hehehe… the way I go on about League surprises a lot of people who don’t think they can really picture me yelling my head off at the TV during the game, or going on and on about defense and attack, etcetera, etcetera… which puzzles me because these people are often the same people, who refuse to believe me when I tell them that I was (and continue to maintain that I still am now!) shy back in high school. I know I can be pretty loud (believe me, family complaints have acted as a constant reminder) and my friends know it… I guess I don’t look like the sporty type. I’m not anyway, I just like to watch. Crap, I could never play League! Those guys go out there, guarded with just a cup underneath their uniforms (shorts and shirt and that’s it) and nothing else… if they want a mouth guard, they get one… if they want headgear, ditto… the majority of them have broken noses (as far as I’ve been able to see) and the way they tackle is brutal! There is a reason they have the Blood Bin as well as the Sin Bin…
Anyway, enough about NRL… I’ve been able to look up a couple journal articles for Psychopathology on Patterson’s Coercion Theory and child-family relations… they’re a start. The report is due next Friday and I’m less than thrilled about that considering the week after, I have 2 presentations to do, one being an acting class… explanation? For Organisational, groups of 4-5 have to conduct a training program in a particular occupation… when one member of my group suggested acting, we all began joking about it and laughing… it wasn’t until about 15 minutes later that I realized that we were seriously deciding to do it. In the end, we decided that this assignment was supposed to be fun anyway so why the hell not? Chris is dying to do his mime act in front of the class! And I admit, I’m dying to watch ;)
I've put my writing on hiatus for a little while - I'm currently working on about 8 things at the moment - and have decided to do a bit more reading... something I've not been able to properly sit down and do since high school (text books do NOT count!) as well as allowing myself to just think things through a little better before I continue... it's been suffering and I've not liked my most recent additions or updates as much as I would like. Right now (my timing sucks by the way, considering the amount of work due), I'm reading Different Seasons by Stephen King (it's four stories put together - Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, The Body (on which Stand by Me was based) and the Breathing Method) and Wilfred Owen - War Poems and others. I finished the Body and am on to the Shawshank Redemption... and I'm still reading the biography section of the Wilfren Owen book but I'm more familiar with his poetry :) I've missed doing this... I really have. I didn't think I'd like Stephen King so much either...
I realise that I've still not said much about Kim's wedding... next time ;) *Dodges a missile from May*
Friday, September 26, 2003
So week 9 ends...
... mid session break begins. I breathe a huge sigh of relief... there it goes. A week off! Woohoo! (wanted to insert a cool Homer Simpson pic there, but couldn't find one :P)
I had no idea that it would take me this long to get this thing updated but unfortunately, my workload urgently demanded that much... damn uni for being such an attention whore. Although, with the downs came the ups this last week (hurrah!) and it's been pretty cool overall.
Some of the 'ups':
- (this is a major one actually) Kim's wedding
- the turnaround on my 'depression' (another biggie!)
- (this was clearly after busting my ass doing work) handing in my research proposal and finishing up my Psychopathology mid session exam
- getting the statistical analyses on my social psychology results done (Bill... you are a legend!)
I don't really think that bringing up the 'downs' would really go with the whole, 'they are over and done with' principle so I'm sparing people that. :P
FF is down again it seems :( Hackers suck. Spammers suck. That idiot ass who developed the frikkin Blaster Worm Virus, sucks. There is no other way to say it all, other than the direct way. So there it was.
I don't actually have a lot of time to go into much at the moment, but I did want to just sort of bring this up to date, considering I don't know when, within the next week, I'll be able to get hold of a computer which has the net connected to it.
Hope everyone's doing ok at the moment :)
I had no idea that it would take me this long to get this thing updated but unfortunately, my workload urgently demanded that much... damn uni for being such an attention whore. Although, with the downs came the ups this last week (hurrah!) and it's been pretty cool overall.
Some of the 'ups':
- (this is a major one actually) Kim's wedding
- the turnaround on my 'depression' (another biggie!)
- (this was clearly after busting my ass doing work) handing in my research proposal and finishing up my Psychopathology mid session exam
- getting the statistical analyses on my social psychology results done (Bill... you are a legend!)
I don't really think that bringing up the 'downs' would really go with the whole, 'they are over and done with' principle so I'm sparing people that. :P
FF is down again it seems :( Hackers suck. Spammers suck. That idiot ass who developed the frikkin Blaster Worm Virus, sucks. There is no other way to say it all, other than the direct way. So there it was.
I don't actually have a lot of time to go into much at the moment, but I did want to just sort of bring this up to date, considering I don't know when, within the next week, I'll be able to get hold of a computer which has the net connected to it.
Hope everyone's doing ok at the moment :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
'Keep your chin up...'
Only today was I made aware of a couple of things, one however was something that only happened last night so that's no surprise I suppose... apparently, two students from my uni were found murdered in an apartment right by my campus last night. Apparently, international students (which UNSW is chock full of, btw) have recently been becoming targets of extortion schemes and kidnappings and police suspect that what happened last night, may be yet another case of this.
I looked on the SMH and the Australian news sites for a better article but, lo and behold, there wasn't even one. I really should've known. Both completly hopeless papers.
There have been a lot of similar incidents reported around uni lately... about a couple weeks ago, a friend of mine was walking along the street with her boyfriend when they noticed a car appeared to be following them. These two guys then jumped out and attacked her boyfriend and tried to rob them both. Thankfully, the guys then made a break for it, leaving my friend and her boyfriend there. He was pretty roughed up though... they were just walking back to where he had parked his car.
With this sort of thing happening, I'm glad that I use public transport. It's still makes me a little jittery though.
I also only just read Cranberry's post about the state of FF - btw, thanks for the link Chris :) - and although they've assured us that it's coming back online, I'm still missing a lot of people I only get to really talk to via FF... I did try and get in last friday and I remember that stupid page coming up. Hope it comes back on soon and to the admins working on it - you guys rock.
On some lighter notes, I have finally come up with a topic for my research proposal for Organisational (hurrah!). As it's due next monday, there goes a lot of weight off my shoulders! Now to just construct an experiment or a correlational study...
The Panthers beat the Broncos! The Panthers beat the Broncos! That completely made my weekend :) It started out pretty badly, Broncos getting an early lead, but once again, the Panthers kicked ass in the second half and won 28-18 :) I'll admit, Brisbane haven't been doing too well lately. I think they've lost 8 games in a row, but they're a pretty powerful team so I was still nervous as Penrith is only this year, bringing itself up.
And they won!

Ok, chin's up :)
I looked on the SMH and the Australian news sites for a better article but, lo and behold, there wasn't even one. I really should've known. Both completly hopeless papers.
There have been a lot of similar incidents reported around uni lately... about a couple weeks ago, a friend of mine was walking along the street with her boyfriend when they noticed a car appeared to be following them. These two guys then jumped out and attacked her boyfriend and tried to rob them both. Thankfully, the guys then made a break for it, leaving my friend and her boyfriend there. He was pretty roughed up though... they were just walking back to where he had parked his car.
With this sort of thing happening, I'm glad that I use public transport. It's still makes me a little jittery though.
I also only just read Cranberry's post about the state of FF - btw, thanks for the link Chris :) - and although they've assured us that it's coming back online, I'm still missing a lot of people I only get to really talk to via FF... I did try and get in last friday and I remember that stupid page coming up. Hope it comes back on soon and to the admins working on it - you guys rock.
On some lighter notes, I have finally come up with a topic for my research proposal for Organisational (hurrah!). As it's due next monday, there goes a lot of weight off my shoulders! Now to just construct an experiment or a correlational study...
The Panthers beat the Broncos! The Panthers beat the Broncos! That completely made my weekend :) It started out pretty badly, Broncos getting an early lead, but once again, the Panthers kicked ass in the second half and won 28-18 :) I'll admit, Brisbane haven't been doing too well lately. I think they've lost 8 games in a row, but they're a pretty powerful team so I was still nervous as Penrith is only this year, bringing itself up.
And they won!
Ok, chin's up :)
Friday, September 12, 2003
I know that I didn't say much with regard to 911 yesterday and, in all honesty, I didn't really want to. I understand people wanting to remember such a terrible day... what it stood for and the effect it had on so many lives, and I respect that. But at the same time, I hate the fact that everywhere I turn, it's being flashed in my face by the media, like ads for some new product.
It's that part that sickens me. Nothing else.
I don't know about everyone else... I do remember where I was and what I was doing when I found out what happened. I also remember listening to my radio on the train to uni that morning and listening to update after update. It was scary, but at the same time, I don't think I was really feeling anything... not yet anyway. That didn't happen until all the footage was shown on all the news channels later that day. And the next day. And the days and weeks after that... and so on.
All I can say is that my prayers are with all those people who were, in any way affected by 911... it's the best I can offer.
That said, I thought that this very simple tribute was really beautiful.
Thanks for that Wil.
It's that part that sickens me. Nothing else.
I don't know about everyone else... I do remember where I was and what I was doing when I found out what happened. I also remember listening to my radio on the train to uni that morning and listening to update after update. It was scary, but at the same time, I don't think I was really feeling anything... not yet anyway. That didn't happen until all the footage was shown on all the news channels later that day. And the next day. And the days and weeks after that... and so on.
All I can say is that my prayers are with all those people who were, in any way affected by 911... it's the best I can offer.
That said, I thought that this very simple tribute was really beautiful.
Thanks for that Wil.
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Chicken feet anyone?
Right now, I'm trying to figure out what to wear to Kim and Shane's wedding on Saturday. It's finally happening! The two of them have been engaged for almost 3 years now and the original date had to be postponed and I am totally happy for them :D
I remember how back at school, we kinda threw around our ideas of who would be the first ones in our class to get married (if anyone! lol)... boy, were we wrong! Ok, so I don't think that Michelle (who got married last October) was that huge a shock but I'm pretty damn sure that not a lot of people would have put Kim down as #2 lol. Or Kirsty, whose wedding is coming up in November (I think), as #3 for that matter. What makes this whole thing even funnier is that onlynow is my 26 year old brother having to spend a fortune on wedding gifts, at the same time as I am. Then again, marriage isn't exactly the norm for 20-21 year olds is it? I've freaked out a lot of people with the news of my old friends' weddings and engagements, I have to say. Actual looks of terror even...
It's pretty damn funny.
I'm also expecting a couple more engagements over the next year or so... I could be totally wrong or goodness knows what might happen between now and then but well, I guess we'll see.
I am incredibly happy because I finished my data collection for my Social Psych experiment today! We needed 80 people and since my group has 4 people in it, we split into pairs and each pair had 40 people to cover each, 20 for the experimental condition and 20 for the control condition.
All of yesterday and today my partner, Melissa, and I trekked the entire campus (I'm not kidding... my feet... they absolutely hate me right now), approaching people and asking them to try some unusual food which, according to us, studies had shown contained particular food chemicals which have been found to enhance memory (for the experimental condition - with a cognitive load in the form of a memory test) or attention (for the control condition - without a cognitive load). We then administered the Stroop Test (do it if your game ;) It's pretty funny) and that was pretty much it.
Of course afterwards, we had to debrief each participant and tell them that our study was actually looking to see how they would react to the appearance of the bizarre looking food (would they blurt out or not?) and how that related to inhibition, which was measured by the Stroop Test. In both conditions, we had to totally up the food so that it would be at least somewhat inappropriate for them to blurt out something, especially something negative.
Considering how tedious that all sounds, we could see that some subjects saw it that way as well... that is, up until they saw the chicken feet and then did the Stroop Test. In the end, that had a lot of people laughing and relaxing a bit more considering they knew we were conducting a Psych experiment (honestly, we have the worst reputation for disturbing people during their lunch breaks and dumping weird and scary questionnaires and tests on them lol. The minute the words 'Psych students' came out, it would usually be followed by a bout of knowing or suspicious laughter).
We received a whole lot of different reactions, ranging from total disgust, to 'ooh yeah, I love this stuff!' and several in betweeners. We didn't approach anyone of Asian background considering we doubted that they would be all that schocked were they to see the chicken feet. More people than we expected were daring enough to actually eat the food - we were even running out! But all in all, people seemed pretty cool about the fact that we had *ahem* had to bend the truth a bit during the experiment :D
Oh man, I simply can't wait to get started on statistically analysing our data *shudder*. Now that's the real fun part.
Ugh... I'm gonna have to shudder again.
Oh yeah, adding to the above 'Hurrah!!' - Penrith got the Minor Premiership!!! They killed the Eels with a score of 40-22 (I despise the Eels so this was a bit of an extra bonus as far as I was concerned), with Rhys Wesser breaking the record for most tries scored in a season with 24 and Girdler's conversion rate actually improving, despite the fact that hardly a minute into the game, he was sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes. Awesome, awesome game... just bloody fantastic. I'm a little nervous because next week they're up against the Broncos - one scary as team - and these are the qualifying finals... here's to the hope that they do just as well in the finals!
I remember how back at school, we kinda threw around our ideas of who would be the first ones in our class to get married (if anyone! lol)... boy, were we wrong! Ok, so I don't think that Michelle (who got married last October) was that huge a shock but I'm pretty damn sure that not a lot of people would have put Kim down as #2 lol. Or Kirsty, whose wedding is coming up in November (I think), as #3 for that matter. What makes this whole thing even funnier is that onlynow is my 26 year old brother having to spend a fortune on wedding gifts, at the same time as I am. Then again, marriage isn't exactly the norm for 20-21 year olds is it? I've freaked out a lot of people with the news of my old friends' weddings and engagements, I have to say. Actual looks of terror even...
It's pretty damn funny.
I'm also expecting a couple more engagements over the next year or so... I could be totally wrong or goodness knows what might happen between now and then but well, I guess we'll see.
I am incredibly happy because I finished my data collection for my Social Psych experiment today! We needed 80 people and since my group has 4 people in it, we split into pairs and each pair had 40 people to cover each, 20 for the experimental condition and 20 for the control condition.
All of yesterday and today my partner, Melissa, and I trekked the entire campus (I'm not kidding... my feet... they absolutely hate me right now), approaching people and asking them to try some unusual food which, according to us, studies had shown contained particular food chemicals which have been found to enhance memory (for the experimental condition - with a cognitive load in the form of a memory test) or attention (for the control condition - without a cognitive load). We then administered the Stroop Test (do it if your game ;) It's pretty funny) and that was pretty much it.
Of course afterwards, we had to debrief each participant and tell them that our study was actually looking to see how they would react to the appearance of the bizarre looking food (would they blurt out or not?) and how that related to inhibition, which was measured by the Stroop Test. In both conditions, we had to totally up the food so that it would be at least somewhat inappropriate for them to blurt out something, especially something negative.
Considering how tedious that all sounds, we could see that some subjects saw it that way as well... that is, up until they saw the chicken feet and then did the Stroop Test. In the end, that had a lot of people laughing and relaxing a bit more considering they knew we were conducting a Psych experiment (honestly, we have the worst reputation for disturbing people during their lunch breaks and dumping weird and scary questionnaires and tests on them lol. The minute the words 'Psych students' came out, it would usually be followed by a bout of knowing or suspicious laughter).
We received a whole lot of different reactions, ranging from total disgust, to 'ooh yeah, I love this stuff!' and several in betweeners. We didn't approach anyone of Asian background considering we doubted that they would be all that schocked were they to see the chicken feet. More people than we expected were daring enough to actually eat the food - we were even running out! But all in all, people seemed pretty cool about the fact that we had *ahem* had to bend the truth a bit during the experiment :D
Oh man, I simply can't wait to get started on statistically analysing our data *shudder*. Now that's the real fun part.
Ugh... I'm gonna have to shudder again.
Oh yeah, adding to the above 'Hurrah!!' - Penrith got the Minor Premiership!!! They killed the Eels with a score of 40-22 (I despise the Eels so this was a bit of an extra bonus as far as I was concerned), with Rhys Wesser breaking the record for most tries scored in a season with 24 and Girdler's conversion rate actually improving, despite the fact that hardly a minute into the game, he was sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes. Awesome, awesome game... just bloody fantastic. I'm a little nervous because next week they're up against the Broncos - one scary as team - and these are the qualifying finals... here's to the hope that they do just as well in the finals!
Friday, September 05, 2003
Wanna Chupa Chup??
I am in true Friday afternoon mode at the moment: keyed up and a little nuts! Fun place to be right now, especially after this week... it's been a bit psycho lately.
So, you want a Chupa Chup or not? I've got em all - fruity ones, cola ones, creamy ones... it's a little tantalising for me, walking around with a bag full of lollipops whilst my sweet tooth continues to act up but because they are our form of 'compensation' for anyone who takes part in our social psych experiment...
We've had to revise our method again but we begin conducting it formally on Monday (finally! We've done enough practice, I reckon). I only wish I could get a pic up of the food we're going to be showing to people... seriously mate, it's just bloody gorgeous. It's chicken feet, which I know quite a few people wouldn't find so shocking, but I swear, when I looked into that container, they looked to me like hands! Gnarled, bony, burnt hands!
Pardon me a moment while I get really girly here but... eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!
I am aware that my lack of experience with Asian food is pretty shocking considering I'm Filo but coz I'm allergic to most other Asian dishes, I could NOT help myself. Hands I tell you!
The weekend looks to be dull and full of note taking... if anyone can think of anything they might be interested in investigating or studying concerning behaviour in organisations/the workplace, drop me a line 'cause at the moment, I am completely stuck for my Org. Psych research proposal hehehe...
So, you want a Chupa Chup or not? I've got em all - fruity ones, cola ones, creamy ones... it's a little tantalising for me, walking around with a bag full of lollipops whilst my sweet tooth continues to act up but because they are our form of 'compensation' for anyone who takes part in our social psych experiment...
We've had to revise our method again but we begin conducting it formally on Monday (finally! We've done enough practice, I reckon). I only wish I could get a pic up of the food we're going to be showing to people... seriously mate, it's just bloody gorgeous. It's chicken feet, which I know quite a few people wouldn't find so shocking, but I swear, when I looked into that container, they looked to me like hands! Gnarled, bony, burnt hands!
Pardon me a moment while I get really girly here but... eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!
I am aware that my lack of experience with Asian food is pretty shocking considering I'm Filo but coz I'm allergic to most other Asian dishes, I could NOT help myself. Hands I tell you!
The weekend looks to be dull and full of note taking... if anyone can think of anything they might be interested in investigating or studying concerning behaviour in organisations/the workplace, drop me a line 'cause at the moment, I am completely stuck for my Org. Psych research proposal hehehe...
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
Again, I'm celebrating a Panthers win! Hurrah! Not only did they completely annihilate the Eagles (52-26!!) but they are back on top of the ladder with a real lead :D A bloody great job but also - Lewis, Wesser and Campbell... you. guys. rock! At half time, the score was a 12-26, in favour of the Eagles so the second half was just awesome. Woohoo!
Anyway, that made for a pretty sweet weekend, as far as I'm concerned. Although, there was the slight disruption which held back my completion of my Psych presentation and this came in the form of my little sister's friend, gracing us with her presence for the entire weekend. Now she's a cool little kid, but a weekend of her and my sister combined is just a little too much.
The result? I was up till 5am this morning, working on my assignment. The really cool part was waking up at 6am in order to get ready and catch my train (I had to get in early to fix up my overheads). I know, I know... I'm sick. I don't need anyone to tell me this (not that that stops people). Believe me, I know. ;)
I'm cool with it now though, considering the presentation is over, meaning I have a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I am not the worst at presentations, but I'm certainly not the best. This is especially the case when the topic is one I'm not very familiar with at all par example, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It didn't help that the reading itself was badly structured and all over the place... my tutor even acknowledged this.
Tomorrow, Ri and I will be doing our child behaviour coding. We have to go to a family's house and observe a child during a supposedly high stress time, in our case dinnertime, and sit there for a half hour observing and coding the target child's behaviour and interaction with his/her parents. Ri and I know the girl we're doing but hopefully this doesn't disrupt things too much. The whole situation is most probably not going to be the most naturalistic but it's the best we can do at this point without the use of a lounge-like lab. The two of us there is to ensure inter-rater reliability between results.
Doesn't Psychopathology sound grand? ;)
Our Social Psych experiment is almost up and running... we just have to meet up with our tutor one more time to run it by him and also get ethics approval for it, then UNSW students on your breaks? Watch yourselves! Hehehehe...
Btw, Chris, I can't use imagestation on this comp :( because I don't have admin capabilities but hopefully when the comp at home is fixed, I can upload the pics there. But thanks heaps for the suggestion! :D
Anyhow, it's time to get back to work, I have a research proposal I have to also get started on for Organisational, which is due in week 9 and it's now week 6 :eek:
Anyway, that made for a pretty sweet weekend, as far as I'm concerned. Although, there was the slight disruption which held back my completion of my Psych presentation and this came in the form of my little sister's friend, gracing us with her presence for the entire weekend. Now she's a cool little kid, but a weekend of her and my sister combined is just a little too much.
The result? I was up till 5am this morning, working on my assignment. The really cool part was waking up at 6am in order to get ready and catch my train (I had to get in early to fix up my overheads). I know, I know... I'm sick. I don't need anyone to tell me this (not that that stops people). Believe me, I know. ;)
I'm cool with it now though, considering the presentation is over, meaning I have a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I am not the worst at presentations, but I'm certainly not the best. This is especially the case when the topic is one I'm not very familiar with at all par example, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It didn't help that the reading itself was badly structured and all over the place... my tutor even acknowledged this.
Tomorrow, Ri and I will be doing our child behaviour coding. We have to go to a family's house and observe a child during a supposedly high stress time, in our case dinnertime, and sit there for a half hour observing and coding the target child's behaviour and interaction with his/her parents. Ri and I know the girl we're doing but hopefully this doesn't disrupt things too much. The whole situation is most probably not going to be the most naturalistic but it's the best we can do at this point without the use of a lounge-like lab. The two of us there is to ensure inter-rater reliability between results.
Doesn't Psychopathology sound grand? ;)
Our Social Psych experiment is almost up and running... we just have to meet up with our tutor one more time to run it by him and also get ethics approval for it, then UNSW students on your breaks? Watch yourselves! Hehehehe...
Btw, Chris, I can't use imagestation on this comp :( because I don't have admin capabilities but hopefully when the comp at home is fixed, I can upload the pics there. But thanks heaps for the suggestion! :D
Anyhow, it's time to get back to work, I have a research proposal I have to also get started on for Organisational, which is due in week 9 and it's now week 6 :eek:
Friday, August 29, 2003
Work, work, work...
... or uni, uni, uni. Whichever you think is appropriate. Either way, I'm buggered as. A presentation for Psychopathology next week, along with the child behaviour coding Ri and I still have to do by next Friday and lots of note revision and catch up.
Today's Berna's actual birthday so Happy Birthday Berna! :)
I'm getting more and more frustrated with the constant references to supposed 'Lie Detectors' as reliable means for obtaining solid proof of deceit. Yes, there is a physiological and recordable response when people are lying, however, that is all the machine measures. It measures physiological response without taking into account why a response is being detected in that person. The responses aren't only accounted for by deceit. People often undergo at least some stress when being interrogated and this might lead to their pulses racing, or some other response being ilicited, after hearing a particular question.
What brought that on? Watching Maury before I left for uni today lol :P Unfortunately, I don't have the empirical research on me right now, but give me a bit and I'll get back to you.
Anyway, there were a couple things I wanted to put up so bear with me... one's pretty huge, but I love it!
Today's Berna's actual birthday so Happy Birthday Berna! :)
I'm getting more and more frustrated with the constant references to supposed 'Lie Detectors' as reliable means for obtaining solid proof of deceit. Yes, there is a physiological and recordable response when people are lying, however, that is all the machine measures. It measures physiological response without taking into account why a response is being detected in that person. The responses aren't only accounted for by deceit. People often undergo at least some stress when being interrogated and this might lead to their pulses racing, or some other response being ilicited, after hearing a particular question.
What brought that on? Watching Maury before I left for uni today lol :P Unfortunately, I don't have the empirical research on me right now, but give me a bit and I'll get back to you.
Anyway, there were a couple things I wanted to put up so bear with me... one's pretty huge, but I love it!
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Ain't Mars pretty? *take 2*
First off:
Happy 17th Birthday Kristina!! Love ya heaps darl :)
What's the 'take 2' for, you ask? Well, despite the fact that we have only had our computer for a total of about 2 months, it has already decided to die on us. It won't switch on and as a matter of fact, time of death just happened to coincide with me being in the middle of attempting to update here.
Ain't life a bitch. Eh, I love it anyway ;)
So... that is my official excuse for a. not updating this sooner, and b. not checking emails which resulted in my inbox getting jammed. If anyone tried to send me anything and you had it sent back, give it a go now... if you still want to that is. I didn't have uni yesterday so I didn't have access to a computer, which I now have. That and a cable connection (woohoo!).
Tuesday night, I went out to look at the Red Planet which, according to news reports, is the closest to Earth it’s been in 57,000 years.
Damn, that’s a long time.
It wasn’t very hard to find it amongst the other stars (which, thankfully, we can see from where we live) and when I did it… well, it was impressive. I only wish I had a telescope so that I could actually see the pinkish-red glow with my own eyes instead of having to look at some photo or read some grossly inadequate description of it in the paper (btw, thank you Clarkey for being my informant on this ;)). Ah well…
I stayed out for a little while. I honestly couldn’t help myself. Call me a geek (I dare ya!) but this astro-stuff (yes, marvel at my level of sophistication!) tends to completely reel me in. I was just standing there, looking up… in my backyard… in the freezing cold… in my nightie and tsinellas (or slippers to those who don’t speak Tagalog. Don’t worry, I had to ask Gill for the correct spelling lol).
See, I told you. What a night not to be wearing warmer PJ’s.
That day ended quite nicely considering the rest of it was pretty odd, and downright painful at times. Considering it’s done now (or more correctly, for now at least), I don’t really want to go into it. But… ok, have you ever attempted to save your sanity by keeping your distance from someone and found that there appeared to be no means of escape? Not a great deal of fun, is it?
Ugh. Bastard.
Anyway, on to more pleasant things. Berna’s 21st on Sunday was a helluva lot of fun. It was yet another Memory Lane excursion for me considering she and I are ex-classmates, which meant that she invited a lot of people from the Class of 2000. I didn’t really know if I would say this, but it was actually really nice being able to see so many of us in the one place again. True, we may not all have been the best of friends but come on! It’s been three years and I’d like to think that we’d done some growing up since then, right? Right?
Berna and her older sister Marie (she was turning 24) had a shared party so the place was packed as. I knew some of the other guests only by name and/or face so it was nice finally getting to actually talk to them. They are a funny lot of people. I spent a lot of that day laughing (again!).
And again with the karaoke (Filos… we’re just incorrigible aren’t we?)! Unlike Reyna’s party, this time I was actually coerced into singing. We started out in groups (my group sang ‘Love Potion No. 9’ – thank you Sarah!) and then people went off it for a while… until later. When the crowd was thinning a little more, Berna, Marie, Joe (one of their brothers), Tess, AJ, my bro, and I went psycho with the mic! And there I was, supposedly nursing a sore throat and no voice. Ha!
They had one of those machines which scored each performer and, lo and behold, the highest scores all went to Berna and her siblings.
The rest of us suspect foul play.
Yesterday, I spent the most part of the day with Clarkey and that was pretty bloody interesting. I got home around 11.30, dead tired and about ready to drop.
Ended up going to sleep at around 3am.
I'll be honest and admit that I've not been all that well in the last week or so (particularly the last few days) and it's definitely had a pretty significant impact on my sleeping pattern (which was already beyond stuffed to begin with). I'm a generally upbeat sort of person. You know the type - the sickening kind you wanna beat up on sometimes, particularly if you're in a 'life's shit/screw the world' kinda mood. Well, bash me if you really want but I'm happy with it that way. Means I'm generally happy. Not that there's nothing going on that would bug me but it all seems handle-able.
Lately though, that's not been the case. I actually do know why. I've known the whole time, and I'm actually in the process of fixing it, but it took this morning's train ride into uni to sort of turn things back to where I wanted them and although I've not hit sickening just yet, I'm back on track. I used to complain so much about having to sit or stand on the train for an hour (which I know is nothing compared to what's endured by some of the Gosford/Blue Mountains located students at my uni) when none of my friends were on my line, until I realised how great an opportunity it was for you to just sit and think for a while.
Alone time is nice. Add the constantly changing scenery and it's nicer - that is, unless you suffer from motion sickness.
Whether or not any of anyone actually gives a stuff about this, I just wanted to put it down. I'm just hoping you don't mind my lack of detail.
And I hope that at least answered your question Neta ;) Woohoo! Panthers support from the Phils AND the US! Hurrah! All the best for the Panthers/Sea Eagles game coming up on Saturday at Brookvale!
What's the 'take 2' for, you ask? Well, despite the fact that we have only had our computer for a total of about 2 months, it has already decided to die on us. It won't switch on and as a matter of fact, time of death just happened to coincide with me being in the middle of attempting to update here.
Ain't life a bitch. Eh, I love it anyway ;)
So... that is my official excuse for a. not updating this sooner, and b. not checking emails which resulted in my inbox getting jammed. If anyone tried to send me anything and you had it sent back, give it a go now... if you still want to that is. I didn't have uni yesterday so I didn't have access to a computer, which I now have. That and a cable connection (woohoo!).
Tuesday night, I went out to look at the Red Planet which, according to news reports, is the closest to Earth it’s been in 57,000 years.
Damn, that’s a long time.
It wasn’t very hard to find it amongst the other stars (which, thankfully, we can see from where we live) and when I did it… well, it was impressive. I only wish I had a telescope so that I could actually see the pinkish-red glow with my own eyes instead of having to look at some photo or read some grossly inadequate description of it in the paper (btw, thank you Clarkey for being my informant on this ;)). Ah well…
I stayed out for a little while. I honestly couldn’t help myself. Call me a geek (I dare ya!) but this astro-stuff (yes, marvel at my level of sophistication!) tends to completely reel me in. I was just standing there, looking up… in my backyard… in the freezing cold… in my nightie and tsinellas (or slippers to those who don’t speak Tagalog. Don’t worry, I had to ask Gill for the correct spelling lol).
See, I told you. What a night not to be wearing warmer PJ’s.
That day ended quite nicely considering the rest of it was pretty odd, and downright painful at times. Considering it’s done now (or more correctly, for now at least), I don’t really want to go into it. But… ok, have you ever attempted to save your sanity by keeping your distance from someone and found that there appeared to be no means of escape? Not a great deal of fun, is it?
Ugh. Bastard.
Anyway, on to more pleasant things. Berna’s 21st on Sunday was a helluva lot of fun. It was yet another Memory Lane excursion for me considering she and I are ex-classmates, which meant that she invited a lot of people from the Class of 2000. I didn’t really know if I would say this, but it was actually really nice being able to see so many of us in the one place again. True, we may not all have been the best of friends but come on! It’s been three years and I’d like to think that we’d done some growing up since then, right? Right?
Berna and her older sister Marie (she was turning 24) had a shared party so the place was packed as. I knew some of the other guests only by name and/or face so it was nice finally getting to actually talk to them. They are a funny lot of people. I spent a lot of that day laughing (again!).
And again with the karaoke (Filos… we’re just incorrigible aren’t we?)! Unlike Reyna’s party, this time I was actually coerced into singing. We started out in groups (my group sang ‘Love Potion No. 9’ – thank you Sarah!) and then people went off it for a while… until later. When the crowd was thinning a little more, Berna, Marie, Joe (one of their brothers), Tess, AJ, my bro, and I went psycho with the mic! And there I was, supposedly nursing a sore throat and no voice. Ha!
They had one of those machines which scored each performer and, lo and behold, the highest scores all went to Berna and her siblings.
The rest of us suspect foul play.
Yesterday, I spent the most part of the day with Clarkey and that was pretty bloody interesting. I got home around 11.30, dead tired and about ready to drop.
Ended up going to sleep at around 3am.
I'll be honest and admit that I've not been all that well in the last week or so (particularly the last few days) and it's definitely had a pretty significant impact on my sleeping pattern (which was already beyond stuffed to begin with). I'm a generally upbeat sort of person. You know the type - the sickening kind you wanna beat up on sometimes, particularly if you're in a 'life's shit/screw the world' kinda mood. Well, bash me if you really want but I'm happy with it that way. Means I'm generally happy. Not that there's nothing going on that would bug me but it all seems handle-able.
Lately though, that's not been the case. I actually do know why. I've known the whole time, and I'm actually in the process of fixing it, but it took this morning's train ride into uni to sort of turn things back to where I wanted them and although I've not hit sickening just yet, I'm back on track. I used to complain so much about having to sit or stand on the train for an hour (which I know is nothing compared to what's endured by some of the Gosford/Blue Mountains located students at my uni) when none of my friends were on my line, until I realised how great an opportunity it was for you to just sit and think for a while.
Alone time is nice. Add the constantly changing scenery and it's nicer - that is, unless you suffer from motion sickness.
Whether or not any of anyone actually gives a stuff about this, I just wanted to put it down. I'm just hoping you don't mind my lack of detail.
And I hope that at least answered your question Neta ;) Woohoo! Panthers support from the Phils AND the US! Hurrah! All the best for the Panthers/Sea Eagles game coming up on Saturday at Brookvale!
Sunday, August 24, 2003
NRL Grand Final, here we come!
I am happy to be celebrating a Panthers win tonight :) Although, like Priddis commented afterwards, I didn't think that the game was one of their best... a solid win though. And they're back on top of the ladder!! Hurrah! Hopefully, they can work on what they need to and at the very least, play in the Grand Final.
Come on Panthers!
*yawn* Anyway, I'm off to bed... been a long day and I have an early start tomorrow morning. Night all!
*yawn* Anyway, I'm off to bed... been a long day and I have an early start tomorrow morning. Night all!
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Buggered Blaster Worm...
As I received a few 'words' concerning the shocking length of my last post, believe me, I will do my best to keep this one, if not brief, just slightly over. I really will.
It is freezing down here! *shudder* I'm losing my voice again.
For the last week or so, my brother and I have been doing what we can to get over this stupid new virus which is plaguing our pc. I've been working on it all night, only to be told that I don't even have the virus to begin with... total rot if you ask me (whether or not you did is irrelevent:P). Our computer doesn't always just shut itself down at random, and our RPC has never malfunctioned before now...
It is working better than usual right now however. I guess we'll see.
Anyway! That rubbish aside, this week's been pretty sweet. Reyna's 21st went off! It was pretty good... and I actually did find a drink that didn't completely turn me off. I had a Cosmopolitan and I couldn't taste the vodka in it, which was a big plus. Menchie went a little nutty on the Karaoke... a few of us reckoned she was drunk for a while, but she assures us she wasn't... after also noting that she doesn't remember some of the stuff we told her she said, or sang hehehe. I think the jury's still out on that one.
On Saturday, my family and I went to see my little sister perform in her school musical - Pinafore Pirates. It's basically a giant rip off of a bunch of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals and it was pretty funny, even though some of the songs were just downright corny! Overall it was a funny evening, because I got a lift with Tess and met the rest of the family there... and of course, what's a night's drive without getting a little (or a lot!) lost? One left turn was all it took. What ensued was a lot more cussing than I prefer to admit to, hehehe.
Btw, for any Orlando Bloom fans, Manda (my trusty informant;)) has just informed me that there's a lot to have a peek at in this week's issue of NW. Anyone interested should go have a looksee ;)
It is freezing down here! *shudder* I'm losing my voice again.
For the last week or so, my brother and I have been doing what we can to get over this stupid new virus which is plaguing our pc. I've been working on it all night, only to be told that I don't even have the virus to begin with... total rot if you ask me (whether or not you did is irrelevent:P). Our computer doesn't always just shut itself down at random, and our RPC has never malfunctioned before now...
It is working better than usual right now however. I guess we'll see.
Anyway! That rubbish aside, this week's been pretty sweet. Reyna's 21st went off! It was pretty good... and I actually did find a drink that didn't completely turn me off. I had a Cosmopolitan and I couldn't taste the vodka in it, which was a big plus. Menchie went a little nutty on the Karaoke... a few of us reckoned she was drunk for a while, but she assures us she wasn't... after also noting that she doesn't remember some of the stuff we told her she said, or sang hehehe. I think the jury's still out on that one.
On Saturday, my family and I went to see my little sister perform in her school musical - Pinafore Pirates. It's basically a giant rip off of a bunch of Gilbert and Sullivan musicals and it was pretty funny, even though some of the songs were just downright corny! Overall it was a funny evening, because I got a lift with Tess and met the rest of the family there... and of course, what's a night's drive without getting a little (or a lot!) lost? One left turn was all it took. What ensued was a lot more cussing than I prefer to admit to, hehehe.
Btw, for any Orlando Bloom fans, Manda (my trusty informant;)) has just informed me that there's a lot to have a peek at in this week's issue of NW. Anyone interested should go have a looksee ;)
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Warning: insanely long entry...
Hey all!
Just a precautionary note: I’m in the mood to write and in the mood to type and as those people who have ever received a hella long email from me before would know, this is a lethal combination and such a thing is definitely worthy of dire warning.
Monday was the day to run into old friends and familiar faces. I went to that debate at Sydney Uni and it was definitely worth it. Very glad I went and very regretful that I didn’t bring a tape recorder with me. I saw a 2GB mic up on the lecterns. I’m entertaining doubts I’d stay up to wait for that report. No offence meant to 2GB listeners (I guess). If I had seen any ABC representatives, well, that would’ve just torn it.
On the way to the debate itself, I ran into this girl from my old school, Helena. She’s still finishing up her high school stuff and things look good for her. She’s hoping to get into medicine and I seriously hope she succeeds ‘cause I know she’s definitely one smart cookie and there are very few people I know whom I would say had the dedication needed to take on that degree and that profession. At the actual debate, I met up with Tess (who was doing a kickass ushering job by the way ;)) and sat with her mum (Tess’ll whack me if I write ‘mom’) and her friend Darren for the duration of the debate.
At that stage, I really couldn’t see anyone else I knew but afterwards, I saw even more people from school (funnily enough, these included some of my sister’s classmates, whom I am quite certain, have not yet graduated… I wonder whatthey were do… oh I’ll drop that. I’m not the truant officer. We don’t even have such a thing down here) and ended up running into Nicole, one of my closest friends and another ex-classmate who, like Tess, goes to USyd. Tess, Nicole, Darren and I ended up spending the rest of the day at the Hungry Jack’s at Central station, pretty much laughing and making cracks at each other (whenever I hang out with my closest friends, we usually spend the whole time insulting each other… behaviour which possibly displays an excessively high level of comfort lol. And since Darren and Tess are friends, well he kinda got caught up in the whirlwind also).
That night, I had a lot to tape (Alias, Now and Again and the Buffy finale – that’s 3 hours in one night, which even I think is outright disgusting) so as shocking as this may sound, I seriously spent the evening being a complete couch potato, with the laptop on my lap the entire time, the remote handy (I hate taping ads) and mucking around with my little sister. She rocks by the way. Always succeeds in getting me into a laughing fit. That is, when she’s not actively trying to piss me off.
Honestly, Monday night, I really showed my ability to prioritise. Taping and writing the rest of the night instead of reading the paper that was set for my tute the next morning (which btw, I had spent all day stressing about getting till my friend Ri said she’d scan it and email it to me, the angel:))... I ended up reading it on the train to uni the next day, which turned out to be just as effective anyway.
And now we get to Tuesday. My not-so-favourite day. 9-4 with just an hour off. Of course, now that I think about it, that is certainly better than last sem’s 9-5, NO break. Cool. The glass is half full after all :) I do, however, feel obliged to provide a reminder that reading any further is only advisable if I’ve not yet penetrated the final realms of absolute boredom – obviously this is assuming you even got this far. If, however, you are in search of a cure for your insomnia, then by all means… just don’t bloody say I didn’t warn you mate.
My Psychopathology tute was actually alright for a morning class, despite the fact that it meant a wake-up call at 6am in order to get the train. I – and some of the others in the tute – got to act like a total prat so that the rest of the class could practise behaviour coding for child-parent interaction during a high stress situation (i.e. dinnertime) which we’re going to have to do by week 6. That was funnier than you’d expect it to be. Seriously! One group in particular – which consisted of 2 of the many Amandas I know doing Psych at my uni – had us laughing so hard! Who would’ve thought a Psychopathology tute could do that?
Ok, well I sure as hell never would have.
I later had lunch with one of the many Amandas I know doing Psych at UNSW (btw Manda, thank you soo much for introing yourself to me as Manda… otherwise I think I’d have gone nuts!). More laughter. I am not kidding. Amanda and me together? It’s kind of like saying you’ll have some cereal with your sugar… laughter dominates any plausible conversation.
Did that make sense? Hope so.
After that, I had my first Social Psych tute. We’re spending the sem conducting an experiment so there are only a couple of formal tutes, after which each group will be left to their own devices… oh pardon me… research… till they have to give a presentation. My group is looking at the role of inhibition in blurting and we’ve got a design for the experiment in the works but for the moment, mum’s the word. The design and materials aren’t due till next week anyway so it could change. So far though, I’m already liking this assignment.
One lecture left and that done, Jessamine and I spent some time verbally bashing one another on our way to – and once we were at – the psych comp labs (stopping intermittently to check our email), before getting a lift to the station with Ri and Carlos, after much debate about whether or not he should go to his lecture. Ri and I kept telling him off… or at least, Ri did up until he noted that if they left now, they could beat traffic. There was even more deliberation after Ri offered Jess and me a lift to *a* station and we finally decided on Central – which later in the car changed to Town Hall. We went in Ri’s new car, a.k.a. her shitbox, which she doesn’t yet have a license to drive (argh! The injustice!), so Carlos did the driving. The lot of us spent most of that time laughing again.
Yes, in answer to your question, my friends and I are as crazy as we sound.
Honestly though, I think I’ve laughed more in the last few days than I have since this sem started. Hee, I love it when things even out like that.
And then we come to yesterday. Wednesday. Woden’s Day. Unfortunately, right after I actually wrote it, exactly who Woden was, flew right out of my head so, uh, moving on then… important thing to note is that it’s my day off!
Oh! Woden was a Norse god. His significance in Norse Mythology however… sorry, I read the book when I was about 5 or 6… bugger me if I can remember much more of it…
I went to Parramatta with Menchie to get a 21st present for our friend Reyna who’s having a bbq and piss up this Friday at her place. Since I don’t drink it’s probably going to end up being me watching everyone else get sloshed as, which can be both entertaining and disturbing at the same time (uh huh, I don’t drink. C’mon! Beer tastes like piss [oh no. Don’t even think of pulling out the ol’ ‘what? You’ve tasted piss before? Taste is smell mate and beer stinks like piss. Well, to me anyway] and with most chick drinks, the minute I taste the alcohol, I don’t wanna drink anymore of the stuff… ok, people have been going on and on to me about Archers – almost as much as Krispy Kremes, which is sweeping the freakin’ city [a fact which I’ll bet the people up in America must find amusing… bah, Australia’s always been behind in that sense. The Phils had Pringles for something like 12 years before they came down here! Although, I did hear that you guys are only just getting Nutella and some people are pronouncing it ‘New-tella’. To quote Comic Book Guy, ‘Haha! I’m unbelievablyamused!’] so I may give Archers a try. Damn, that was one helluva digression).
All in all? Looks to be fun ;) This year is chockablock. 21sts, weddings… last Saturday, I had a 21st and a 26th to go to, but in the end I had to thank my lack of car and my parents’ not total faith in my driving ability when it comes to the Tarago (or Toyota Previa[?] in the US). I don’t blame them though. Both parties were in Kensington, not far from uni. To those not in the know (the best place to be btw), that’s quite a drive. The Tarago is nice and easy to drive and all, but I’m not insured on it, hence the need for total faith.
It took just one hour to find Reyna’s gift. For me, that is a bleeding record! I am terrible with presents…it takes me forever to think of just what to get. Once that’s done though, it’s usually good. But seriously, that’s how long it takes to actually think of something. Menchie was a lifesaver. She knows Reyna better than I do so she at least had something in mind already.
For lunch, we got a chance to use Menchie’s employee discount so it was lunch at Oporto’s! Their chips are niiice. Really. And Menchie’s friends made sure the box was full too.
Ahhh, I love having connections.
After lunch, we found a really good card almost immediately and there’s this great little shop that sells these mad gift boxes. We had bought Reyna some earrings – and we found the perfect box for them. That clinched the day’s success as far as Menchie and I were concerned. Looking at some of the cards got us in a funny mood so we were being a bit dopey for the rest of the afternoon.
Of course though after that, since we were done, Menchie forced me to look at some clothes. I was a good sport about it… for about a few seconds. Lol. She knows I’m not big on shopping so she only pulled me (not physically, thank goodness) to a couple of stores, bless her heart. I thank her for that. I was also kind of in a rush ‘cause I had to get to Westmead Hospital before the pharmacy closed. I made it in the end, so I’m a happy girl ;) Really, trips to that place are indeed made more pleasant when you know no one’s going to stick a needle in your arm (and possibly have to do a little searching while they’re in there!). I really shouldn’t wail about that though. I know I’ve gotten used to it so I just watch, grin and make cracks about it all to the person administering the test.
Now it’s Thor’s Day (people’ve heard of Thor’s Hammer, yes? Yep, Norse Mythology again), better known as Thursday and I’m about to get ready for uni. Class isn’t till 1 and I woke up shockingly early this morning, after falling asleep a little early last night, around 9-ish (to anyone who knows me, I suggest you pick yourselves up off the floor and I hope you’ve suffered no permanent injuries). I’ve just been watching the early news. Main stories… 3 more US soldiers killed in Iraq (that’s totally depressing)… railway stations in Sydney being overrun by police and security personnel (supposedly not causing any delays. Bah, who needs them to slow down the trains. Cityrail does that pretty well on its own)… the heat wave in Europe (it’s bloody scary how many people have actually already died due to that. It must be awful)… I’m trying in vain, to remember the rest of the little bits scrolling along the bottom… and now it’s on to sports. I only watch the stuff on the NRL and that was over in a blip plus Penrith have the bye this weekend, so I’m done.
‘Another day, another box of stolen pens’. I’m off to get ready for uni and I sincerely hope the police have cleared out of Central. All the footage I saw was from there and they were searching people’s bags and everything. Man, I’m glad I didn’t have uni yesterday. On Monday, I do remember the place crawling with security and I was wondering what the hell was up. I guess I have my answer.
Later! :)
Just a precautionary note: I’m in the mood to write and in the mood to type and as those people who have ever received a hella long email from me before would know, this is a lethal combination and such a thing is definitely worthy of dire warning.
Monday was the day to run into old friends and familiar faces. I went to that debate at Sydney Uni and it was definitely worth it. Very glad I went and very regretful that I didn’t bring a tape recorder with me. I saw a 2GB mic up on the lecterns. I’m entertaining doubts I’d stay up to wait for that report. No offence meant to 2GB listeners (I guess). If I had seen any ABC representatives, well, that would’ve just torn it.
On the way to the debate itself, I ran into this girl from my old school, Helena. She’s still finishing up her high school stuff and things look good for her. She’s hoping to get into medicine and I seriously hope she succeeds ‘cause I know she’s definitely one smart cookie and there are very few people I know whom I would say had the dedication needed to take on that degree and that profession. At the actual debate, I met up with Tess (who was doing a kickass ushering job by the way ;)) and sat with her mum (Tess’ll whack me if I write ‘mom’) and her friend Darren for the duration of the debate.
At that stage, I really couldn’t see anyone else I knew but afterwards, I saw even more people from school (funnily enough, these included some of my sister’s classmates, whom I am quite certain, have not yet graduated… I wonder whatthey were do… oh I’ll drop that. I’m not the truant officer. We don’t even have such a thing down here) and ended up running into Nicole, one of my closest friends and another ex-classmate who, like Tess, goes to USyd. Tess, Nicole, Darren and I ended up spending the rest of the day at the Hungry Jack’s at Central station, pretty much laughing and making cracks at each other (whenever I hang out with my closest friends, we usually spend the whole time insulting each other… behaviour which possibly displays an excessively high level of comfort lol. And since Darren and Tess are friends, well he kinda got caught up in the whirlwind also).
That night, I had a lot to tape (Alias, Now and Again and the Buffy finale – that’s 3 hours in one night, which even I think is outright disgusting) so as shocking as this may sound, I seriously spent the evening being a complete couch potato, with the laptop on my lap the entire time, the remote handy (I hate taping ads) and mucking around with my little sister. She rocks by the way. Always succeeds in getting me into a laughing fit. That is, when she’s not actively trying to piss me off.
Honestly, Monday night, I really showed my ability to prioritise. Taping and writing the rest of the night instead of reading the paper that was set for my tute the next morning (which btw, I had spent all day stressing about getting till my friend Ri said she’d scan it and email it to me, the angel:))... I ended up reading it on the train to uni the next day, which turned out to be just as effective anyway.
And now we get to Tuesday. My not-so-favourite day. 9-4 with just an hour off. Of course, now that I think about it, that is certainly better than last sem’s 9-5, NO break. Cool. The glass is half full after all :) I do, however, feel obliged to provide a reminder that reading any further is only advisable if I’ve not yet penetrated the final realms of absolute boredom – obviously this is assuming you even got this far. If, however, you are in search of a cure for your insomnia, then by all means… just don’t bloody say I didn’t warn you mate.
My Psychopathology tute was actually alright for a morning class, despite the fact that it meant a wake-up call at 6am in order to get the train. I – and some of the others in the tute – got to act like a total prat so that the rest of the class could practise behaviour coding for child-parent interaction during a high stress situation (i.e. dinnertime) which we’re going to have to do by week 6. That was funnier than you’d expect it to be. Seriously! One group in particular – which consisted of 2 of the many Amandas I know doing Psych at my uni – had us laughing so hard! Who would’ve thought a Psychopathology tute could do that?
Ok, well I sure as hell never would have.
I later had lunch with one of the many Amandas I know doing Psych at UNSW (btw Manda, thank you soo much for introing yourself to me as Manda… otherwise I think I’d have gone nuts!). More laughter. I am not kidding. Amanda and me together? It’s kind of like saying you’ll have some cereal with your sugar… laughter dominates any plausible conversation.
Did that make sense? Hope so.
After that, I had my first Social Psych tute. We’re spending the sem conducting an experiment so there are only a couple of formal tutes, after which each group will be left to their own devices… oh pardon me… research… till they have to give a presentation. My group is looking at the role of inhibition in blurting and we’ve got a design for the experiment in the works but for the moment, mum’s the word. The design and materials aren’t due till next week anyway so it could change. So far though, I’m already liking this assignment.
One lecture left and that done, Jessamine and I spent some time verbally bashing one another on our way to – and once we were at – the psych comp labs (stopping intermittently to check our email), before getting a lift to the station with Ri and Carlos, after much debate about whether or not he should go to his lecture. Ri and I kept telling him off… or at least, Ri did up until he noted that if they left now, they could beat traffic. There was even more deliberation after Ri offered Jess and me a lift to *a* station and we finally decided on Central – which later in the car changed to Town Hall. We went in Ri’s new car, a.k.a. her shitbox, which she doesn’t yet have a license to drive (argh! The injustice!), so Carlos did the driving. The lot of us spent most of that time laughing again.
Yes, in answer to your question, my friends and I are as crazy as we sound.
Honestly though, I think I’ve laughed more in the last few days than I have since this sem started. Hee, I love it when things even out like that.
And then we come to yesterday. Wednesday. Woden’s Day. Unfortunately, right after I actually wrote it, exactly who Woden was, flew right out of my head so, uh, moving on then… important thing to note is that it’s my day off!
Oh! Woden was a Norse god. His significance in Norse Mythology however… sorry, I read the book when I was about 5 or 6… bugger me if I can remember much more of it…
I went to Parramatta with Menchie to get a 21st present for our friend Reyna who’s having a bbq and piss up this Friday at her place. Since I don’t drink it’s probably going to end up being me watching everyone else get sloshed as, which can be both entertaining and disturbing at the same time (uh huh, I don’t drink. C’mon! Beer tastes like piss [oh no. Don’t even think of pulling out the ol’ ‘what? You’ve tasted piss before? Taste is smell mate and beer stinks like piss. Well, to me anyway] and with most chick drinks, the minute I taste the alcohol, I don’t wanna drink anymore of the stuff… ok, people have been going on and on to me about Archers – almost as much as Krispy Kremes, which is sweeping the freakin’ city [a fact which I’ll bet the people up in America must find amusing… bah, Australia’s always been behind in that sense. The Phils had Pringles for something like 12 years before they came down here! Although, I did hear that you guys are only just getting Nutella and some people are pronouncing it ‘New-tella’. To quote Comic Book Guy, ‘Haha! I’m unbelievablyamused!’] so I may give Archers a try. Damn, that was one helluva digression).
All in all? Looks to be fun ;) This year is chockablock. 21sts, weddings… last Saturday, I had a 21st and a 26th to go to, but in the end I had to thank my lack of car and my parents’ not total faith in my driving ability when it comes to the Tarago (or Toyota Previa[?] in the US). I don’t blame them though. Both parties were in Kensington, not far from uni. To those not in the know (the best place to be btw), that’s quite a drive. The Tarago is nice and easy to drive and all, but I’m not insured on it, hence the need for total faith.
It took just one hour to find Reyna’s gift. For me, that is a bleeding record! I am terrible with presents…it takes me forever to think of just what to get. Once that’s done though, it’s usually good. But seriously, that’s how long it takes to actually think of something. Menchie was a lifesaver. She knows Reyna better than I do so she at least had something in mind already.
For lunch, we got a chance to use Menchie’s employee discount so it was lunch at Oporto’s! Their chips are niiice. Really. And Menchie’s friends made sure the box was full too.
Ahhh, I love having connections.
After lunch, we found a really good card almost immediately and there’s this great little shop that sells these mad gift boxes. We had bought Reyna some earrings – and we found the perfect box for them. That clinched the day’s success as far as Menchie and I were concerned. Looking at some of the cards got us in a funny mood so we were being a bit dopey for the rest of the afternoon.
Of course though after that, since we were done, Menchie forced me to look at some clothes. I was a good sport about it… for about a few seconds. Lol. She knows I’m not big on shopping so she only pulled me (not physically, thank goodness) to a couple of stores, bless her heart. I thank her for that. I was also kind of in a rush ‘cause I had to get to Westmead Hospital before the pharmacy closed. I made it in the end, so I’m a happy girl ;) Really, trips to that place are indeed made more pleasant when you know no one’s going to stick a needle in your arm (and possibly have to do a little searching while they’re in there!). I really shouldn’t wail about that though. I know I’ve gotten used to it so I just watch, grin and make cracks about it all to the person administering the test.
Now it’s Thor’s Day (people’ve heard of Thor’s Hammer, yes? Yep, Norse Mythology again), better known as Thursday and I’m about to get ready for uni. Class isn’t till 1 and I woke up shockingly early this morning, after falling asleep a little early last night, around 9-ish (to anyone who knows me, I suggest you pick yourselves up off the floor and I hope you’ve suffered no permanent injuries). I’ve just been watching the early news. Main stories… 3 more US soldiers killed in Iraq (that’s totally depressing)… railway stations in Sydney being overrun by police and security personnel (supposedly not causing any delays. Bah, who needs them to slow down the trains. Cityrail does that pretty well on its own)… the heat wave in Europe (it’s bloody scary how many people have actually already died due to that. It must be awful)… I’m trying in vain, to remember the rest of the little bits scrolling along the bottom… and now it’s on to sports. I only watch the stuff on the NRL and that was over in a blip plus Penrith have the bye this weekend, so I’m done.
‘Another day, another box of stolen pens’. I’m off to get ready for uni and I sincerely hope the police have cleared out of Central. All the footage I saw was from there and they were searching people’s bags and everything. Man, I’m glad I didn’t have uni yesterday. On Monday, I do remember the place crawling with security and I was wondering what the hell was up. I guess I have my answer.
Later! :)
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